How to teach a child to speak in 2 years?

There are situations that cause parents to worry about their baby. "He is 2 years old, but he is silent. Are all with him in order? "- More and more often whisper among themselves relatives. In the USSR, if the crumb did not say anything for three years, he was observed by doctors: psychologists, neuropathologists, etc. In the modern world, these babies are treated a little differently, and if there are no complaints about health, parents are advised to spend less time teaching lessons or attend groups of collective activities.

Why does not the kid talk?

How to teach a child in 2 years to speak - this question has long been studied by doctors, and they suggest first to understand the reasons:

  1. Heredity. If mom and dad crumbs were in no hurry to talk, then the baby can also be silent.
  2. Laziness . Sometimes children are born who are naturally lazy not only to talk, but also, for example, to turn over or reach for a toy. This is another reason why a child does not speak at 2 years, but do not panic about it. Very often, this happens if the parents strongly guard the youngster, fulfilling his requests without words.
  3. Accumulation of information. Such kids are silent for a long time, but then they start talking with phrases. Therefore, in this case, the parents will just have to wait.

However, in addition to psychological problems, there are also physical ones: lack of hearing, transferred diseases, trauma at birth, etc.

Teaching lessons

What to do if a child is 2 years old and he does not talk, is the question to which the answer is one: first of all, do not despair, but engage. Programs that teach kids to talk, now quite a lot and choose one of them for the parents will not be difficult:

  1. Working with pictures. This technique is that every day the child is shown the same colorful illustrations, briefly telling who is depicted on them. For example, it's a dog, it's a cow, etc. All words must be pronounced in the correct form, clearly and slowly. For these exercises you can use not only pictures, but also cubes or favorite books.
  2. Finger toys. Everyone knows how kids like puppet shows. This is very interesting, as a rule, even mobile children are happy to participate in this. It is possible to stage various simple tales: "Ryab Chicken", "Repka", etc. The main thing is that they contain simple phrases and words that will be repeated periodically. Put a few, pre-selected stories, the text of which will be the same each time. Perhaps, it is this approach that will allow a child who does not want to speak in 2 years, learn how to pronounce words.
  3. Work with poems. Now there are a lot of teaching poems for kids, which in a game form will teach crumbs to simple words. Here it is very important not just to voice your role, but to teach the child a dialogue. For example, use these simple quatrains:
  4. ***

    Mom: geese, geese,

    Child: ha-ha-ha,

    Mom: do you want to eat?

    Child: Yes, yes, yes.


    Mom: Here's the lamb.

    Child: Be-no-bat.

    Mom: To us he jumps.

    Child: Where, where, where?


  5. Development of fine motor skills. It has long been proven that there is a connection between how a kid works with his fingers and when he starts talking. Molding from plasticine, dough or clay, fingering of beads, pebbles and buttons - all these exercises will allow the child, who does not speak well in 2 years, to learn how to do it.

When asked what the child should say in 2 years, pediatricians respond that there is no definite list. But by quantity, the range ranges from 45 to 1227 words, and this is considered the norm. In any case, if your baby only says "Mom" or "Dad", then it's time to start studying with him. For children of 2 years, educational cartoons have been created, which teach them not only to speak, but also to develop thinking and memory.

List of cartoons:

  1. "How to teach a child to speak? (popular words). " It consists of three parts and teaches the kids the words that are depicted in the picture.
  2. "How do animals say?". A fun musical cartoon that introduces children to the way birds sing, animals talk, etc.
  3. "Kitchen". He talks about vegetables and objects in the kitchen, and also explains the notion of "small - big".
  4. "Learn the fruit." Developing a cartoon about a typewriter that introduces kids to the name of fruit, the concept of "a lot - a little."