Security Corner in Elementary School

Happy can be called the time when the child is still too young and constantly under mother's care, when the baby needs to just change the diaper in time, feed and play with the gruel. But understanding how easy it all came about when a child grows up. In particular, in the primary school, problems and experiences come to a new level. In addition to everyday worries and anxieties, there is also added concern about the safety of the baby.

Fires, road accidents, high criminogenic situation are only a small part of those dangers that lie in wait for children and their parents in everyday life. Therefore, the main task of adults - to warn the kids and talk about the rules of behavior in each specific situation. At home explanatory conversations should be conducted by parents, and at school - class leaders. And in each class there should be a corner of safety in which the material about traffic rules , behavior in case of fire , on water, information about basic emergency services is placed.

Designing a security corner in an elementary school

As a rule, concerns about the design of the security corner in the school "fall" on the shoulders of class leaders, they are responsible for the selection of information for the demonstration stand. And this business is not easy and very responsible, because the security corner for primary school students, must be informative, bright, colorful and appropriate to their age.

One of the most important topics that is covered in the corner is the traffic rules for pedestrians. Since according to statistics, the main culprits of the road accident are the children who crossed the road in the wrong place, or suddenly ran out onto the roadway.

It's no secret that schoolchildren, after returning from school, often remain at home alone. However, even in his apartment a small child can be trapped in danger. Therefore, it is also important that the security class in the classroom contain the following materials:

When decorating a security corner of a schoolboy, you can use funny pictures, rhymes, puzzles, crossword puzzles, puzzles, quizzes. For sure, children will pay attention to the information provided, if they are told about their favorite fairy-tale heroes about safety rules.