How to turn on the air conditioner?

Sometimes the usual technique can seem complicated, if you use it ineptly. When you do not neglect the instructions and take care of devices, many difficulties can be avoided. Ironically, even in this age of high technology, for many, the question of how to properly turn on the air conditioner remains relevant.

How do I turn on the air conditioner for heating?

Many modern models are able not only to create a cool on a hot day, but also to warm up during the demi-season. Let's take a step-by-step how to turn on the air conditioner to heat the room:

  1. First, let us touch upon the language barrier. On any console you will find either icons with pictures, or a separate button with the inscription "НЕАТ". This inscription is your goal, since it means heating mode.
  2. Sometimes, instead of a separate button in the console, switching between modes is provided. To switch between modes, select the "MODE" button. It is there that you will find the fan function, among the offered modes will be the one you need.
  3. Before you turn on the air conditioner for heating, it is not superfluous to simply examine the console. Sometimes instead of inscriptions there will be icons with a picture of a droplet, a snowflake or a sun. The last is your goal - this is the heating mode.
  4. When you figure out with the output to the heating mode, you can go to the temperature settings. It should be higher than the temperature in the room. After about five to ten minutes, the air starts to warm up, first the fan will work.

How do I turn on the air conditioner after winter?

When the technique did not work for more than six months, it needs a special approach.

That's so easy to turn on and get cool can not work out. There are a number of basic recommendations on how to turn on air conditioning after winter:
  1. Before you turn on the air conditioner from the remote, you need to check the condition of the filters, wipe the technique with a damp cloth and remove existing dirt.
  2. It is important that in the room the thermometer showed at least 20 ° C.
  3. Before turning on the air conditioner, we set the minimum temperature and maximum fan speed. As a rule, it is 18 ° С.
  4. Wait until the cold air starts to blow, and let it run for about 20 minutes.