How to accept yourself as you are?

It is difficult to find a person who would be satisfied with himself 100%. Self-criticism often leads to self-destruction, so it's important to know how to accept yourself and your body. Psychologists unanimously assert that the pledge of happiness is love for oneself , therefore it is impossible to ignore problems with underestimated self-esteem.

How to accept yourself as you are?

Rebuild in an instant does not work, so you need to start with small steps. The simplest method is to start smiling at your reflection, which will give you a positive charge.

Psychology tips how to accept yourself:

  1. Take a sheet of paper and write on it all your dignity, if it is difficult, then ask to make it familiar. This method allows you to look at yourself from a new angle and understand that everything is not as bad as it seems. Give yourself an installation to regularly update your list of advantages.
  2. Stop comparing yourself to other people and do not find an idol for yourself. All people are individual with their own merits and demerits, so become a queen for yourself.
  3. The next advice of psychology, how to accept yourself as you are - get yourself a notebook where you can write down all your achievements, even the smallest ones. This will be an excellent incentive not to lose heart and continue to improve. You can, as an encouragement for achievements, come up with some kind of reward.
  4. If there are flaws in the body, then they also need to be fought. To remove excess weight will help proper nutrition and sport, from an ugly hairstyle the barber will save, etc.
  5. Spend a lot of time with positive people who will charge with energy. Psychologists recommend trying to notice in the surrounding only positive features .
  6. Find for yourself a field in which you can realize all your potential. If this is not a job, then pick up a hobby.