Kvass from birch juice

What could be better than quenching thirst in a hot summer day with cool kvass. And if he is also home cooking, then it's generally a tasty meal. We'll tell you now how to make homemade kvass from birch sap.

Birch kvass - recipe for cooking



Birch juice poured into a saucepan, bring to a boil and give a little to boil, so that some of the liquid evaporates. Turn it off. When the juice is a little cool, but still warm, add the yeast and mix it, leave for a while, so that they began to wander. After that, we pour the drink into storage containers convenient for storage and put it in the refrigerator. Birch kvass is ready for use.

How to make birch kvass without yeast?



Birch juice pour into a jar, add raisins, wheat grains. After that, we close the jar with a lid and put it in a cool place. Day after 2-3 kvass is ready.

Birch kvass with black bread



Bread cut into small pieces and dried in the oven. Barley is browned to brown in a frying pan (instead of barley, you can take wheat). Sugar is also browned to a dark brown color. Birch juice is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil, add crumbs of black bread, grain, sugar, mix everything thoroughly, add blackcurrant twigs. Leave the kvas to wander at room temperature for 3-4 days. After that, the drink can be bottled and stored in the refrigerator.

To simplify the task, the bread can not be dried in the oven, but simply take the crusts of bread fresher. And instead of wheat or barley, you can take rice, but then it's better to add 30 g of yeast.

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