How to wash the tulle?

Tulle as a window curtain perfectly adorns the window opening, scattering the rays of the bright sun and at the same time not obscuring the room. However, it is rather difficult to take care of such a fabric. After all, I want the curtains to always be fresh and bright. Let's find out how to wash the tulle.

How to properly wash the tulle by hand at home?

Having removed the tulle curtains from the window, it is necessary to shake them well, thereby removing most of the dust accumulated in them. If you decide to wash the tulle by hand, then before washing, the cloth must be soaked. To do this, in warm water (about 36 °) it is necessary to dissolve table salt, which will soften the water. For 10 liters of water you need to take 5-6 st. spoons of salt. Soak the curtain in this solution and leave for an hour and a half. After that, the tulle should be thoroughly rinsed in water at room temperature. Remember that you can not use hot water for this, because the fabric from it will turn yellow and become stiff.

For washing it is necessary to prepare a solution of water with table vinegar in a proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon on 1 liter of water. We add to the solution a detergent for washing delicate fabrics or a high-quality detergent powder. Having immersed tulle in water, we erase it with compressive movements. You should know that tulle can not be rubbed and twisted, so as not to damage the structure of the fabric.

Now you need to change the water and add blue to it to get a solution of bluish color. We lower the curtains and wash it again. After such a procedure, the tulle will become clean and radiant.

If nevertheless on the curtain after washing remains yellowness, then you can try to eliminate it with ammonia and hydrogen peroxide . To do this, prepare a solution of 10 liters of warm water, 2 tbsp. spoons of peroxide and 1 tbsp. spoons of ammonia. As practice shows, in order to wash the tulle this way without divorce, the fabric should be lowered into the solution and mixed several times within 30 minutes. Then the curtain should be thoroughly rinsed.

How to wash a tulle in a typewriter?

Washing tulle is possible only in the machine, because the machine activator type can tulle just spoil it. To automatically wash the tulle, you must use powder for delicate fabrics. And do not put the curtain directly in the machine tank. It is better to put it in a bag for washing or in a usual pillowcase. The mode for washing should be chosen gentle and without spin. After the washing is over, the tulle must be bleached using an oxygen-containing bleach. The washed curtains should be immediately hung on the cornice: the fabric will straighten out well under its own weight and there will be no wrinkles on it. Remember that white tulle is best not ironed, as this fabric can turn yellow under the influence of heat.