Swelling under the eyes - how to eliminate innocuous causes and when to go to the doctor?

Swollen eyelids are not only a cosmetic, but also a medical problem. Edema visually make the eyes smaller and age the face, give it a tired look. The appearance of "bags" - a signal about serious violations in the work of internal organs and the endocrine system.

What are the swelling under the eyes?

The defect in question is formed due to the accumulation of excess liquid in the periorbital zone. In most cases, this occurs after 40-45 years, when the rate of metabolic processes decreases. There are other factors that cause swelling under the eyes - the causes of swelling of the eyelids:

Edema under the eye on one side - causes

If the moisture is delayed asymmetrically, swelling can be provoked by temporary and not too dangerous factors. Such swelling under the eyes causes mechanical damage to the eyelids and mucous membranes (bumps, bites), uncomfortable position during sleep or inflammatory diseases (conjunctivitis, sinusitis and others). When the "bag" is constantly present and does not respond to the standard methods of eliminating the problem, you should immediately visit an ophthalmologist. Some serious illnesses are accompanied by unilateral swelling under the eyes - the reasons for women are diagnosed as follows:

Swelling under the eyes - causes in the morning

Women face the described defect mainly after awakening. This is a normal phenomenon associated with stagnation of moisture in soft tissues during sleep, physiological swelling under the eyes in the mornings should quickly disappear on their own, within 30-45 minutes. Sometimes you have to make efforts to eliminate them. The reasons for sustainable "bags":

In some cases, morning swelling under the eyes indicates the diseases of the internal organs:

How to remove swelling under the eyes?

First, it is desirable to find out the exact cause of the pathology under consideration by contacting the ophthalmologist and the therapist, to get a referral to a narrowly specialized specialist. After determining the diagnosis, doctors will explain how quickly to remove swelling under the eyes and prevent their re-education. Independently, you can take general measures to eliminate "bags":

How to remove swelling under the eye after a stroke?

If you need to get rid of swelling urgently, it is recommended to use methods to narrow the blood vessels and accelerate the outflow of lymph. To remove swelling under the eyes quickly, any cold compress will do. You can moisten the cotton pad in water and place it in the freezer for 5-15 seconds, put a steel spoon or other ice object on the eyelid. An excellent option, how to remove swelling under the eyes with mechanical damage, are tea bags (any). After brewing, they must be cooled and applied to the eyelids for 10-15 minutes.

How to remove swelling under the eyes after tears?

Crying is accompanied by the appearance of swelling and redness of the skin due to the abundant influx of blood and lymph to the eyelids. The best way to remove swelling from tears under your eyes is to calm down and wash with cool water. Under the influence of low temperature, the capillaries become narrower, and excess moisture is removed from the soft tissues. After long sobs there is a more effective method of how to quickly get rid of swelling under the eyes:

  1. Impregnate 2 wadding discs with pink, micellar or mineral water, leave them in the freezer for 50-60 seconds.
  2. It is convenient to lie face up, close your eyes. Put the ice discs on your eyelids, not pressing them to the skin.
  3. Mentally say "one, two," breathing deeply and exhaling into the account. Completely relax and calm down, do not think about the causes of tears.
  4. Continue for about 7-10 minutes.

How to get rid of edema under the eyes?

To treat the constantly present "bags", there are medicinal and cosmetic preparations. It is not advisable to prescribe treatment for yourself. The best remedy for edema under the eyes can be selected only by a qualified specialist in accordance with the exact cause of stagnant phenomena. It is allowed to use only professional cosmetics in the form of creams, serums, gels and other products.

Ointment from swelling under the eyes

Special drugs for fighting the swelling of the eyelids do not produce, but the means that narrow the blood vessels, well help to eliminate the "bags". The most popular is heparin ointment from edema under the eyes. It is cheap, effective and operates very quickly, within 20-30 minutes. This medicine belongs to the group of anticoagulants, it helps to thin the blood and eliminate stagnant phenomena. To remove swelling under the eyes with the help of heparin ointment should be correct:

  1. Use a small amount of funds.
  2. Gently apply a thin layer, do not rub.
  3. Apply no longer than 20 days.
  4. To smear a skin only in the morning.

Similar tools:

Cream for edema under the eyes

For the skin prone to fat and the appearance of gloss, it is better to choose lightweight versions of local preparations that absorb faster and do not leave a film on the epidermis. Many drugs for hemorrhoids or varicose veins are available in the form of creams and gels. They act identically to the above-listed ointments, but differ less fatty and "heavy" consistency:

As a safe alternative, experts advise buying a cosmetic cream from swelling and "bags" under the eyes:

Pills from edema under the eyes

To eliminate swelling around the eyelids, women often use diuretics (Veroshpiron, Trifas and analogues). They quickly remove excess fluid from the body. Diuretics for swelling under the eyes should not be drunk without the advice of a doctor. Any diuretic is a potent drug, which is prescribed for diseases of the kidneys, heart and blood vessels. If you take this remedy for swelling under the eyes, there is a risk of disrupting the functioning of these organs. This is fraught with dangerous irreversible complications, especially for the excretory system.

Mask from swelling under the eyes

Manufacturers of cosmetics produce special products for intensive care of the centuries. It includes masks and disposable patches from edema under the eyes, providing instant elimination of stagnant phenomena and skin lifting. Such remedies are based on natural components, narrowing the blood vessels and clarifying the epidermis. Quality products that effectively remove swelling under the eyes:

Massage from swelling under the eyes

In the beauty salons, several manual and hardware procedures are proposed to combat the swelling of the eyelids. The following types of massage help to remove even the most powerful swelling under the eyes:

Independently, you can also eliminate swelling and bruising under the eyes. At home, for manipulation, you need only eye cream, you can use special means against stagnant phenomena. Before the beginning of the session it is important to completely remove the make-up and wash. Then it is necessary to apply the chosen cream on the skin around the eyelids and apply a massage with lightly pressing movements of the fingers. The correct direction is shown in the figure below. Manipulation is carried out simultaneously for both eyes. You need to start from the 1st point and finish on the 8th. Duration - 10-12 minutes.

Folk remedies for swelling under the eyes

Organic home-made cosmetics also copes well with stagnant phenomena. The only thing that should be refrained is the diuretic herbs from swelling under the eyes. Herbal preparations are similarly potent medicines intended for the treatment of diseases of internal organs. Their uncontrolled use will lead to disastrous consequences.

Particularly popular among women is parsley from swelling under the eyes. It not only removes the "bags", but also bleaches the skin of the eyelids, contributes to the disappearance of dark circles. Greens should be chopped, so she let the juice, wrapped in a gauze napkin and put on her eyes as a compress (10-12 minutes). Excess raw materials can be frozen for future procedures.

Other effective lotions for eyelids from swelling: