How to remove irritation after epilation?

Absolutely, any woman faced with negative consequences of removing unwanted hair on the face and body. And if the problem of redness of the skin is relatively easy to deal with, then the answer to the question of how to remove irritation after epilation is not known to everyone. Especially if you have to deal with a lot of ingrown hairs.

How to remove irritation after facial hair removal?

In this case, extra hair is usually removed over the lip, in the eyebrows and cheekbones. This is especially tender and sensitive areas, so they quickly become irritated, red, there are small pustules after epilation.

To eliminate these symptoms, it is recommended to wipe the skin with antiseptic solutions that do not contain alcohol, for example:

If the irritation is weak, then thermal or micellar water is good.

Also, one should not forget about the moisturizing of damaged skin and its nutrition. For a while, you should abandon the usual day and night cream, replacing it with a hypoallergenic analogue or a drug with panthenol consisting of:

How to calm irritation after epilation in the zone of bikini and underarms?

Despite the fact that in these areas the most delicate and sensitive skin, the hair on it grows the most rigid and thick. For this reason, almost 90% of women complain of irritation after epilation in these areas.

For the zone of bikini and armpits, the methods described for combating reddening and ingrown hairs on the face are also suitable. Only moistening is required more carefully. Dermatologists recommend such pharmacy means:

There are also effective folk methods:

How to remove irritation after epilation on the legs, hands and body?

The considered zones are not as sensitive as those described above, but the appearance of irritation on them also causes inconvenience and creates cosmetic defects.

Cope with the problem can only be integrated, taking care of the disinfection of damaged areas, their deep hydration and nutrition. To achieve the first goal, it is necessary to use either alcohol-free solutions or products containing essential oils (tea wood, lavender, eucalyptus). They produce a good disinfecting effect, prevent the appearance of pustules. In addition, it is important to monitor the permanent removal of dead cells of the epidermis to prevent ingrown hairs . Suitable soft scrubs based on sugar, coffee, peelings with fruit acids or just washing with a hard washcloth.

For moisturizing and nourishing the skin, as well as from irritation after epilation, there is a cream containing hyaluronic acid - Librederm for the body. It perfectly calms the epidermis, quickly copes with redness, promotes wound healing and skin regeneration.