How to become a witch at home?

Every year, the number of people who are interested in magic, is increasing. Therefore, the topic of how to become a witch at home, remains relevant for more than one year. In general, most mages and psychics get their abilities "by inheritance", that is, the skills are transmitted through the female or male line. If desired, you can learn the magic , but just once it is worth pointing out that the process will be long enough.

How in real life to become a witch at home?

The correct psychological attitude is of great importance. You need to be able to quickly relax and feel your own emotions. There are several tips that will allow you to tune in and find the right energy flow:

  1. Of great importance is intuition, which must be constantly developed. Try before any action and decision to listen to the inner voice, pushing the mind to the side.
  2. One must learn to understand nature and receive energy and knowledge from it. It is recommended that you often walk in parks and forests, conduct outdoor meditation, add living plants and products made of natural materials. It would be superfluous to have a pet and it's best if it's a cat. Begin to study the properties of various plants that will be used in the future in rituals .
  3. Get a literature on magic and study various areas, including the magic of the Tarot. Start to interpret dreams and be sure to keep track of whether you have predicted the future correctly. If there is an opportunity, then find a teacher for yourself, in which case the process will greatly accelerate.

Before you become a real witch at home, you need to think carefully about your decision, because after the rituals, you can not refuse and return everything back. In general, the decision should not be an emotional impulse or a new hobby.

Effective ritual, how to become a witch at home

The ideal place for the rite of initiation is a bath, but if this is not possible, then an ordinary bathroom is also suitable. The ritual should be started on Monday at midnight. Required attribute - an old broom. Exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning, say a spell on the call of the spirit to become at home a witch, as he will become an assistant. A conspiracy sounds like this:

"I call here a witness of my teaching.

Wash yourself with water from three different sources,

break seven seals of the week:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and the seventh day of Sunday.

I'll take the wisdom of the Serpent, the lightness of the Fox, the speed of the arrow from the lightning, the dew from the domes of the churches, the knowledge of Solomon, King David.

The sword in my hand will hit the enemy. I'll put on my shields impenetrable.

I shall hide myself as a canopy of the invisible. I will dress in armor in my way.

Witness - are you here? !!!

I swear to be stronger than my enemies and shorter than them!

I burn this golik (broom) this and with it a deviation from the teaching.

I will open the book and break its seven seals and run away. I am the lion of Judah, the root of David.

I see Satan falling from the sky with lightning.

Lightning is my teaching. Amen".

Then you should pour yourself water, and a broom to burn in an oven or in a fire on the street. It is important after the ritual not to talk to anyone and go straight to sleep.

How to become a white witch at home?

It is necessary to conduct a ceremony in solitude, so that nothing hinders. Take the usual salt and create with it a magic circle. On four sides of the world, put church candles. Before entering the circle, it is necessary to bathe the whole body and it is best to use the herbal infusion. It is recommended to conduct the ritual completely naked.

Put your hands at the chest level in a prayerful gesture, contact the Great Goddess and ask for a blessing. Try to drive away all thoughts and keep thinking only about the ritual. After all the preparatory stages have been completed, you need to light the candles, starting from the east, moving clockwise. The next step is to burn incense. Then raise your hands up so that your hands are pointing upwards, and say these words:

"I (name), turn to the Great Mother, to the Lady of All Existence, to the Goddess-giver, I ask you, bless this initiation, send your grace upon me and grant the magical power to do good deeds and deeds."

During this, one must imagine how the flow of energy passes through the body. There may be a feeling of heat or tingling. Then put your hands on the chest level in a prayerful gesture and say such the words:

"O Great Mother, Lord of All Existence, Goddess-giver, I beg of you, strengthen me on the wagering path, help me to know the natural wisdom, to know myself and the secrets of magic and teach me to use this all for the benefit of all living."

The next step is to bow to the four sides clockwise, while saying these words:

"I swear to be a witch and keep all the witch secrets from this moment of initiation and until my death and pass them on only to those who are worthy, to go the way of love and good."

After that, say five times: "So be it!" . It remains only to thank the spirits and you can extinguish the candles, but only do it counter-clockwise, starting from the north.