How to whiten sneakers?

For anyone, the fact that white shoes are incredibly branding will not be a revelation. And what about sneakers that you use for active sparring or long walks. But even very contaminated shoes can be made clean and neat again. How to whiten white sneakers , we find out below.

Let the white remain white

There are several proven ways to whiten sneakers, even with the most persistent impurities, which are not washed in the typewriter. Depending on the material of manufacture, the following methods can be used:

  1. If the sneakers are fabric, you can try rubbing the dirt spots with a toothbrush with paste. Then, this place is wiped with a damp sponge. How else to bleach sneakers from the fabric: mix the laundry detergent with a teaspoon of vinegar, lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Consistency should be like a thick paste. With the help of a toothbrush, we put this mixture on sneakers, paying special attention to heavily soiled areas. In this way, it is highly undesirable to bleach the sneakers with a mesh, as this can damage it.
  2. If the toothpaste and self-prepared cleansing mixture does not help, you can use oxygen bleaching. Powder means dilute to the desired consistency, liquid - use immediately. We wipe the surface of the shoes, wash it off and immediately see the result.
  3. Also, you are probably interested in how to whiten leather sneakers . If you see black stripes on them, try erasing them with a usual eraser. If it does not help, you can use a special white paint for shoes. Pre-clean the shoes as carefully as possible, then apply the paint and instantly get a chic result.
  4. And the last thing is how to whiten the white soles of the sneakers. Again try a soft clean eraser. He will erase black strips from friction with curbs and other footwear in transport. It is possible to try bleaching agents, having immersed in a solution only a sole. In a few hours the sole will sparkle with purity. Also suitable for removing nail polish, ordinary toothpaste and vinegar with citric acid.