How to water tomatoes in a glasshouse made of polycarbonate?

Getting a good harvest of tomatoes, growing them in the open, is almost impossible, especially when it comes to the northern regions or the middle belt. This plant does not tolerate abrupt climate changes and needs to comply with certain environmental conditions. Therefore, almost all gardeners plant tomatoes in greenhouses or under film shelters, since it is much easier to control and, if necessary, change the microclimate in protected ground. However, in this case it is necessary to follow the rules of growing and know how to water tomatoes in a glasshouse made of polycarbonate.

Rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

When deciding on planting a tomato in a greenhouse or under a film shelter, it is necessary to take note of some of the features of this plant:

  1. Tomatoes are very fond of moisture, therefore, they feel particularly good in greenhouse conditions, but a small drought can also be transferred to the plant without losses.
  2. How much to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse will depend on the vegetative period of the plant: young seedlings need moderate, but regular watering, grown plants can be irrigated less often, but more liquid, and at the fruiting stage, tomatoes should receive a lot of water.
  3. The plant is able to independently report the excess or lack of moisture. If the top leaves begin to dry out - this is a signal to the fact that the bushes it is time to pour. A cracked fruit means that the amount of liquid should be reduced.
  4. Humidity in the greenhouse where tomatoes are grown should be maintained at the same level. Ideally, if the humidity of the medium is about 60%. To adjust the microclimate, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the greenhouse.

Methods of watering tomatoes in a greenhouse

Tomatoes are those plants that react poorly to water droplets that fall on stems and foliage. Therefore, you need to remember how to water the tomatoes. It is obvious that the classic version with a watering can or automatic sprayers is not suitable here. Consider the most common methods of watering tomatoes:

  1. Watering from the hose. This is a convenient way that many gardeners use. However, when pouring tomatoes from a hose, it is difficult to regulate the amount of water entering the plants. In addition, stretching the hose through the entire hotbed, there is a risk of accidentally touching and damaging the stems. In any case, when choosing this method, the water pressure should be adjusted so that it is not too strong and does not injure the plant.
  2. Watering from the bucket. If you want to know how to water tomatoes in a greenhouse, while controlling the amount of water that plants receive, there is no way to be safer than watering from a bucket. This option allows you to determine and change the dosage of liquid, but to carry the full buckets of water for irrigation is a rather dubious pleasure.
  3. Drip irrigation system. The best way to water a tomato is to install a drip irrigation system. This option will save energy and time, as well as ensure a uniform moistening of the root system. The disadvantage is that such a ready-made system is quite expensive. But if you want, you can try to design something similar and with your own hands.

When is it better to water tomatoes?

It is important to know which water to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse. It is optimal if it is warm. Therefore it is necessary correctly choose the time for watering plants. In the morning, the water temperature may be too cold. Watering tomatoes in the evening and closing the hotbed, you risk increasing the humidity, which can negatively affect the health of tomatoes.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the best time for watering is the middle of the day.

Top dressing of tomatoes

During the growing season it is important to remember, than to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse to activate their growth. A total of three additional fertilizing, a solution of 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp. spoons nitrophoski and 0.5 liters of mullein or 2 tbsp. spoons of wood ash .