New Year's dances in kindergarten

Choreographic compositions are an integral part of any children's event. With their help, kids learn to feel music, get acquainted with different movements and show their emotions. New Year's dances in kindergarten are no exception and can be of three types: solo, paired or general, as well as different forms.

How to choose a dance for a New Year's party in kindergarten?

Before you put a choreographic composition, you need to pay attention to the age of the kids, and how they move to the music you chose. To do this, turn on the melody and allow the children to dance the way they want. It is this step that will help you to understand what movements can be inserted into the room, and what drawing can contain New Year's dances for children of a kindergarten of different age groups.

There are basic forms of choreographic compositions that occur in preschool institutions:

  1. Dance with objects. As a rule, this is a common New Year's dance, which is most often found in the kindergarten, regardless of the age of the youngsters. For the younger group - this can be choreography with rattles, with which they amuse Father Frost, and for the preparatory - it is a dance with a rain to the music of A. Vivaldi "Seasons. Winter. January".
  2. Double dance. Such compositions are found in children of older and preparatory groups. And this is due, as a rule, to the fact that at this age the kids begin to feel their partner and can synchronously perform any movements. New-year pair dance in kindergarten can be a classic ballroom, for example, waltz, or genre - "Eskimos", "Christmas trees and gnomes-lanterns", etc.
  3. Dance in groups. As a rule, this is a dance-image, in which children of one role participate, for example, Snowflakes, Bunnies, Snowmen, etc. Such dances on the New Year's holiday in kindergarten can be performed by children, both junior group and preparatory.
  4. Playing dance. Such compositions are found on matinees, as in the case of three-year-olds, and older children. These are common New Year's dances-dances for kindergarten, which take place in the form of dialogue-games or thematic compositions. It can be a procession around the tree, with motions "flashlights", raising hands or squatting, or around Santa Claus, Baba Yaga with the game "Repeat after me", etc.

Melodies for dance compositions

As practice shows, children better dance to fast music, and under the one that they like, but that does not mean that there should not be slow, smooth tracks. New Year's songs and compositions for dancing in kindergarten are now huge. Thanks to them, the choreography turns out to be interesting and not ordinary. Of the melodies and songs for the celebration, the following can be singled out: