Anthurium - Diseases

Probably, there is no such fan of indoor plants, which would not want to buy an anturium, which is not cheap. But, even buying a beautiful flower, not everyone will save it, because of the inability to support all the necessary conditions. The popular name of the anthurium is man's happiness, traditionally it is given to men, because it is believed that it is the strong sex that brings luck to the plant. Many diseases of anthurium at home are associated with non-compliance with the rules for caring for it. Knowing how to care for anthurium flower, the disease can not be tolerated. A capricious native of the tropics requires content at a temperature of not lower than +20 degrees and good lighting, while the sun's rays should not fall directly on the flower. The plant feels good at high humidity, therefore, it must be sprayed daily (in warm weather even 2 times a day). Watering is moderate, while keeping soil condition under control so that it is slightly moist.

Anthurium diseases and their treatment

As noted above, mainly the disease of male happiness - anthurium is associated with improper care.

Dry and yellow leaves

Diseases, when anthuriums dry leaves, can be associated with two factors.

  1. Damage to greenhouse aphids. The leaves of the anthurium become wrinkled and become covered with yellow spots, while the flowers fall off. To destroy the pest, the plant is treated with a solution of pyrethrum or infusion of tobacco. You can use the drugs "Actellik" and "Carbophos".
  2. Lack of light or sunburn. It is necessary to correct the lighting: put the flower in a well-lit place, but do not allow direct sunlight.

There are spots on the leaves

The appearance of dark spots and dots signals that the anthurium suffers from a low temperature. It is necessary to put the plant in a warm place and cut watering.

Another cause of diseases of the leaves of anthurium is defeat by mealybugs , which settle on the aboveground parts. Cracks appear on the shoots, and on the leaves there are spots, later the leaves may fall off. The plant is treated with Carbophos to get rid of the pest.

The tips of the leaves turn black

Sometimes the anthurium leaves turn black at the ends. This occurs as a result of an overabundance in the soil of calcium salts, in this connection, it is necessary to transplant the flower into the soil with a more suitable composition.

The appearance of dark spots on the peduncles

One of the diseases of indoor flowers Anthurium is characterized by the formation of specks on the flower spikelet. Although the plant likes it when it is sprayed with water, but does not tolerate when the drops fall on the inflorescence. The affected flowers are to be removed, and in the future, such a violation in care should not be allowed.

Fungal diseases

Often, flower diseases Anthurium are associated with the negative effects of fungi.

  1. When affected by gray rot, parts of the plant are covered with a grayish coating consisting of fungal spores. The spread of fungus contributes to excessive moisture, therefore, removing the damaged parts, the plant should be placed in a ventilated place. It is recommended to treat the flower with Topsin.
  2. One of the most common fungal diseases of anthurium is septoriosis. On leaves appear brown color with a light border spots, within the formations visible darkish points. After removing the damaged leaves, the plant should be treated with a weak solution of copper sulfate or copper chloride.

Defeat of the avocado shield

If on the underside of the leaves the plaque has settled, then the leaves become unpleasantly sticky. To get rid of the pest it is necessary to wipe the leaves with a cloth soaped with household soap. You can also treat the plant with 2% "Carbophos".