Delphinium - preparation for winter, pruning

Sky blue flowers of the plant with the gentle name "Delphinium" can add freshness and charm to any flower garden. Among the many varieties of the delphinium, the perennial ones are particularly popular, which are characterized by extreme unpretentiousness and simplicity in care. Autumn care for the delphinium is usually reduced to loosening the soil in the garden and abundant watering. The only questions that usually cause difficulties for inexperienced growers are the pruning of the delphinium and its preparation for winter.

How to prepare a delphinium for the winter?

Thanks to its high winter hardiness, the delphinium, even without any preliminary preparation, is able to survive the winter with frosts to -50 degrees. But this is possible only under the condition of wintering under a thick layer of snow. In the conditions of modern winters, which are known to rain more often than snowfalls, Delphinium is in danger of two major dangers: decay and obstruction.

That is why it is important not to let the process go by itself and necessarily cut off the delphinium for the winter. To do this it is necessary after the ground part of it turns yellow and dies. When cutting, it is necessary to leave stems of stems no less than 15-20 cm high. The fact is that the stems of this plant have a tubular structure, and if they are cut below, then under thaws or rains, the water will directly move directly to the rhizome, causing its decay.

In addition to protect the plant from death, you can use ordinary clay, covering it with slices of stems. In conditions of especially severe snowless winters, it is possible to further insulate the delphinium, covering it with a layer of fallen leaves, any organic mulch (peat, sawdust) or lapnik. But you can organize shelter only after a steady drop in temperature, otherwise the rhizome risks simply vypret.