How to wean the cat to mark the territory in the apartment?

Planting a tiny cute kitten, few of us immediately thought about the upcoming problems. But if you do not take measures from the very beginning and do not prevent them, then it will be much more difficult. Adulthood cats rarely change their habits, and it's extremely difficult to cope with a natural call.

Do all cats mark in the apartment?

Sexual maturation of cats is accompanied by the need to mark the territory - all corners, furniture, clothing and footwear become the target of these matured creatures. This is sometimes subject to not only representatives of the male part, but even kitties.

Of course, the intensity of this process for all cats is different, some are limited to marks on the street, and houses are taboo in this respect. And if you have several cats in the apartment, the elder will have an advantage, and the younger ones will hardly allow themselves to claim territory and mark your house in parallel.

Nevertheless, you need to understand that labels are not just emptying the bladder, and by simply poking your nose and punishing you, you can not detain your pet from this process. From this he only wants to prove to you that he is the master of the house and this will manifest itself in an even greater number of "marked" surfaces.

If a teenager catches

From the earliest age, about 6-7 months, kittens begin puberty. Castration is a radical measure for the prevention of landmarks . At a later age, this no longer has the effect and will be an absolutely useless procedure.

What to do if a young cat has just started to tag and you do not want to subject your pet to this unpleasant and painful operation: you must teach him to cleanliness from the very beginning, in parallel restricting him access to favorite corners and processing marked places with special aerosols. But here it is necessary to understand that such manipulations do not work for a more adult cat. There are methods for them.

If an adult cat is aiming

The real problem is the solution of the problem, how to wean the cat to mark the territory in the apartment and the front door ? If the cat is already an adult, and earlier you did not take any measures, then you will have to work a lot with this. You need to gain credibility by showing who the boss is in the house. To do this, first take the cat by the withers and lift it up. Sizzle on him the way cats do during fights between themselves - aggressively and menacingly. Slightly tap the cat in the face with your hand, as animals do during rivalry. Continue thunderously hiss and look into the eyes of the school boy.

This debasing procedure should continue until the culprit begins to ask for mercy, looking away from the master and making a mournful squeak. Only now you can let him go. If the cat with its tail pressed back to the far corner - your victory.

After that, mark the territory with your scent - wash cat marks and treat them with your own individual scent. It can be deodorant, perfume, dirty socks. Repeat this procedure is necessary until the cat realizes the power of his master. It is noteworthy that the cat will not avenge you, but will see you as a leader and will respect what will manifest itself not only in the absence of labels in the house, but also about exemplary behavior in other matters.

Why do cats mark territory?

The reason for this behavior of the cat can be not only sexual maturation, the demand of a cat or the desire to show its superiority in the house. Sometimes the reasons can be completely abstract and unexpected.

For example, he lacks your attention, he feels boredom and his uselessness. First cats loudly call you or unobtrusively offer a game. Some quietly sad and suffer from loneliness. But if you do not catch the signal, they move to decisive action.

A cat can mark a territory and because of a malaise. Feeling pain and not being able to tell the owner about it, cats attract attention in this way.

Another reason is fear. If the pet is frightened, it loses its self-confidence, and the marked territory gives them peace of mind. So you need to find the cause of fear and eliminate it.

Jealousy is also an occasion for a sharp beginning of the tagging of the territory. A banal arrival of relatives or replenishment in the family can lead to the fact that previously a cleanly clean pet suddenly starts to smudge corners.