Automatic cat food trough

There are situations in life when the tailed pet has to be left for a few days - for example, you are traveling on a business trip. But as luck would have it, relatives in another city, friends at the dacha, do not turn to a neighbor. I'll have to take a meowing friend into an overexposure, because there's nobody to feed him. And simply there are job-related jobs at work or busy days, when you get home to change clothes, take a bath and sleep. You go tired home, and there the darling sits on the threshold, looks with hungry eyes and mournfully mews, demanding food. And so he becomes ashamed ...

Or it happens that you sleep off before the next day of work, and Barsik starts insistently to wake you up at five in the morning and demand food.

All these problems have one solution: now automatic feeders for animals have become very popular. With them you do not have to worry about feeding a pet: they will pour the portions you have measured when you tell them to do it. If you have an automatic feeder for cats, you will always be sure that a fluffy friend is not hungry. And in order to not worry that the pet is thirsty, in the kit to the auto-feeder get a car.

In addition to situations where there is no one to leave a cat or a cat with, or if there is no time to feed, an animal feeder for animals will help to control the ration clearly. This is very important for those animals that have excess weight.

An auto-feeder for a cat can also serve for feeding other animals: rabbits, small dogs , ferrets.

What are autocommunications?

Now on the market manufacturers offer these kinds of autocouples:

The feeder for two feeds is a rectangular container with two compartments. Both compartments are covered with covers. On the timer you set the feeding time. During the first feeding, the first lid rises and opens access to food, during the second - the second. This option is the cheapest and easiest. Of course, feed in such a feeder will have to be pawned daily, and it will not work for those cases when the owners are forced to leave for a long time. The feeder with two compartments is more educational: it teaches kittens and adult animals to diet.

A feeding bowl for four feeding is a round bowl with four compartments. The volume of each compartment is 0.5 liters. The three-fourths of the compartments are closed with a lid; at the next feeding the lid turns, opening access to the other compartment. A feeder for four feedings will allow you to feed your pet in your absence for four whole days! It provides three modes:

In addition to indicating the time of feeding, such a feeder can give sound signals. For example, you can record your voice, and the feeder will play it three times before opening access to the next compartment. Provided in this trough and the ability to use food as canned food. So that they do not deteriorate, ice is filled in a special compartment. The weight of each serving you have to measure yourself, depending on the mode. The cost of such a feeder is rather big.

A feeder for multiple feeding can hold a stock of dry food up to 10 kg, which is enough for 90 days. It is a container for feed and a bowl into which food is poured from this container. Like the feeder for four feedings, it is equipped with the ability to deliver a sound signal. In addition to the timer, it is possible to set the number of feedings per day and the weight of portions. With such a bird feeder can be left even for a long period.

Whichever type of feeder you choose, remember: in addition to eating, the pet needs your attention. And no one but you can provide it.