Chicken in yogurt

Chicken is the easiest to prepare and at the same time an incredibly tasty meat product. The tender structure of this meat is perfectly combined with almost any vegetables, and also accepts a wide variety of spices and marinades, creating each time a new original and unique taste.

Today we will offer recipes for cooking chicken in kefir. The fermented marinade makes the soft poultry still tender, and the spices add a special piquancy.

Marinated in kefir chicken, braised in a frying pan



According to this recipe, you can cook both chicken and sliced ​​chicken fillet. To make the dish particularly fragrant, prepare the slices of chicken meat seasoned with poultry spices, salt, carefully mix and put in a suitable container for pickling. In a separate bowl we mix kefir, mayonnaise, peeled and melenko chopped garlic and dill greens, bring the resulting sauce to taste with salt, ground black pepper and the desired spices. Pour the resulting mixture into the chicken in spices and leave for a couple of hours to soak and mix the flavors.

After that, we spread the chicken on a heated frying pan with a thick bottom, first splashing some vegetable oil into it and pouring out kefir sauce. Put the chicken on, cover the frying pan with a lid until soft. Depending on the quality of chicken meat, this will take from thirty minutes to one and a half hours. At the end of the quenching process, add a little fresh greens of dill and let the dish brew for ten minutes.

Marinated chicken in kefir in a multivark

Everyone knows that marinade can change the taste of the dish beyond recognition. We think, in this case, you will still learn chicken, but you will be pleasantly surprised by its incredible gentle taste.



Prepared properly selected parts of the chicken rub thoroughly with salt, ground black pepper and a mixture of spices for chicken. We put the spicy meat in a bowl, add the same peeled and chopped onion rings and knead the contents carefully with hands so that the chicken absorbs the maximum onion flavor. Now pour the meat with kefir, mix and leave for several hours, and ideally at night.

Let the promaminized slices of chicken meat in one layer in an oiled pre-multicast and fry from two sides for twenty minutes each, setting the program "Baking".

Chicken baked in kefir with potatoes in the oven

This recipe is good because it allows you to simultaneously prepare a dish with a garnish. The combination of chicken and potatoes with kefir sauce with spices gives an incredible taste and aroma.



We prepare the prepared chicken thighs with a mixture of Provencal herbs, salt and ground pepper, pour kefir mixed with crushed garlic, salt and spices and let it marinate for several hours.

Just before baking, clean and cut into small slices of potato tubers and put in an oiled baking container. On top, put the sliced ​​fresh tomatoes, chopped cloves of garlic with thin plates, and top the chicken thighs. Fill the contents of the form with a kefir marinade and place on an average shelf heated to 210 degrees oven for forty-five minutes.