Small breeds of dogs

Small dogs acquire in the world more and more popularity among their owners, breeds are very diverse, the names of some, the most common of them, we will give below. It is very convenient to keep such animals in small apartments. Small dogs, as a rule, have a very friendly, affectionate nature, requiring attention and constant communication with the owner.

Breeds of small dogs are divided into three main groups:

The smallest breed of dogs is the Chihuahua , it was bred in Mexico in the 19th century, in a state called Chihuahua. The weight of dogs of this breed varies from 0.5 to 3 kg, the growth is from 10 to 23 cm. According to the type of hair and the color of the dog, the breeds of chihuahua are very diverse, the character is kind, they are obedient, but they can not be offended, they are very touchy.

The breed of small dogs the Tibetan spaniel appeared in Tibet, similar to the European spaniel , is popular among Buddhist monks, on growth does not happen more than 25 cm, weighs from 4 to 7 kg.

Many dog ​​owners prefer to keep a representative of a small ornamental breed - the Chinese crested dog . This breed is represented by two species: naked and paudadpuff. Such dogs have a growth of 23-33 cm, weigh 4.5-6 kg.

In the nineteenth century, a breed was born, also belonging to small breeds - a dwarf pinscher. Despite the small height (25-30 cm) and weight (4-6 kg), these dogs are wayward, they are very independent and independent, with strict education, the dwarf pinscher can become a great hunter.

About two centuries ago in China, specifically for the imperial family, a decorative breed of dogs, the Pekingese, was brought out. The weight of these animals is from 3 to 6.5 kg, height is 15-23 cm. Pets of this breed are stubborn and self-confident, it is difficult to train and train them, but they do not require physical activity, care of them is not complicated.

A representative of a small ornamental breed is a lioness , a dog elegant and elegant. Its height does not exceed 38 cm, and weight - less than 5 kg. The breed has a benevolent character, is able to completely adjust to the owner, is offensive.

Miniature breeds of dogs - English of that terrier and American that terrier are popular. Representatives of these breeds are friendly, possess such quality as devotion to the owner, but there are, at the same time, the Norovists, they should be brought up in rigor. The growth is not more than 25-30 cm, these animals weigh from 2.5 to 3.5 kg.

Especially popular among the imperial courts of China and Japan, used before the breed of decorative dogs Japanese hin . This long-haired little dog can weigh from 1.8 to 4 kg, its growth is from 20 to 27 cm. Japanese chin has a playful, sociable character, calm temperament, easily assimilates a lot of complex teams, quickly learns everything.

A popular dog with an exquisite appearance is a Maltese lap dog , has an unusually beautiful, thick, flowing hair. This breed is very friendly, smart, easy to learn tricks.

Age of dogs of small breeds

Among small breeds, animals aged 7-8 years are classified as adult dogs, in some breeds this age is 9 years, that is, in the category of adult dogs, individuals of small breeds pass much later than large and medium breeds. This is due to the fact that the life expectancy of the representatives of small breeds is somewhat higher than that of representatives of large breeds.