What is a fetish - the most common types of fetishes

In the modern world, the love of things for many is quite normal. However, when this feeling becomes overwhelming and a person from ordinary material things makes an idol for himself, it is worthwhile to think about whether this is normal. We suggest to find out what a fetish is.

What does fetish mean?

Not everyone knows about the meaning of the word fetish. It comes from the Portuguese "feitic", which in translation means "belonging to the Catholic usage". Among such things - relics of saints, magic beads and other religious talismans. After a while, other unusual material objects began to be called this word - pieces of wood, pebbles, pots, claws, feathers and grains.

Later, the term already in the form of "fetiche" and "fetich" became familiar in French, English and other European languages. Now in French it means "idol, talisman". Comte expanded it and called them the animistic view of primitive people on material objects and the primitive cult as a whole. And now many scientists refer to the concept of fetishism as the cult of animals, the phenomena of nature and plants.

Fetishism in philosophy

Often fetishism is suffered by members of the stronger sex. However, there are cases when women are attracted to any things. To understand that a person really has problems, it is important to know the signs of fetishism:

  1. Not exactly the usual obsessions that interfere with normal sexual intercourse. An example can be sexual intercourse constantly in one position and only after drinking alcohol.
  2. A person suffering from such dependence is not able to try other ways of satisfying, because the network is already in the habit of associating with any rituals. Because of this disorder, fetishists are not able to fully enjoy sex.
  3. Patients can perform all sorts of actions relative to inanimate objects, which are accompanied by erotic fantasies .
  4. After a while, the role of the object of adoration becomes even more significant, and its presence is the main condition for obtaining satisfaction.
  5. Interest in role-playing games.

Fetish - psychology

The well-known Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud fetishism began to explore in 1927. In his opinion, he is a deviation from the initial sexual direction. He is sure that fetishism is the result of certain traumatic events that could take place in childhood, and found themselves in consciousness. This condition can develop in those cases when a person does not realize his own sexual identity, or he prefers an incorrect sexual role.

Those suffering from fetishism in the past could have a relationship with their mother close to incest. Father, and in general such people were perceived as not worthy of attention. According to Freud, there could be one more reason for the onset of the ailment - the neglect of the child from the side of the native person - mother. The psychoanalyst argued that fetishism can not always be called a deviation from normal behavior.

Fetishism - religion

It is also accepted to distinguish religious fetishism. It is understood as the religious worship of inanimate material objects, which can be attributed to various supernatural properties that have become popular even among the most ancient tribes. This trend takes place in our days. An example is the worship of relics in Buddhism and the worship of the Black Stone in Islam.

In the modern world there are many fetishes in the form of different amulets and amulets. Such objects are often attributed to magical properties and the ability to bring luck to a person, protect from misfortunes. This talisman is designed to protect its owner from unhappiness. Often such a subject of adoration could be a part of something big - a stone from a special revered mountain, a piece of a sacred tree or a drawing of a sacred animal.

Fetishism and Totemism

Our ancestors also knew what they call a fetish, deifying different objects and believing in their supernatural powers. Such a special subject could be everything that was associated with a significant event in the life of a person or just struck his imagination. The manifestation of fetishism can be observed in adoration:

Sometimes it happened that a random object could be used as a fetish. If his possessor was lucky, then it was believed that this subject is endowed with magical power . If necessary, it could be replaced by another. Some peoples had a custom, according to which fetishes were necessary, both to thank and punish. Fetishes became parts of something more. It could be a piece of sacred wood or a drawing with a revered animal.

What is a fetish in sex?

Such a thing as a sexual fetish is not so rare. Often for supporters of fetishism the object of excitement is:

The object of adoration is an important condition for sexual arousal, and not the usual desire to make sexual life diverse. Many fans of the direction kiss or they are considering a fetish until they reach excitement. Thus the sexual certificate or act can occur or happen with any owner of the given thing, without dependence from its personal qualities.

What does a fetishist mean?

Sometimes people around and the person himself are not entirely clear when passion for anything can be called a norm, and when a pathology that requires specialist help. Many of us can attract certain things and have a stimulating effect. However, pathology can be called a situation where a person is not interested in the personal qualities of a partner, but only attracts his clothes or other objects (fetishes). That is, the object of fetishism for such people is predominant and of particular interest.

The reason for fetishism

No one will argue with the fact that fetish and strangeness are interrelated things. However, this behavior has its roots. Among the reasons for the appearance of fetishism:

In the future, a person can use the image and smell of an object, or tactile sensations in order to achieve excitement. The causes of fetishism to this day have not been studied. Almost every person has a certain incentive to which he can react strongly. Hence it can be concluded that almost all people are born with a predisposition to fetishism.

What are fetishes?

There are different kinds of sexual fetishes:

Often, such a fetish becomes objects that relate to people of the opposite sex. Often adorable fetishes for men are:

Such types of fetishism have their fans who often wear clothes of the opposite sex. Here there is a fetishistic transvestism. In the Land of the Rising Sun, fetishism has turned into one of the types of earnings, where they sell used non-washed lingerie. Know what a fetish and lovers of certain parts of the body:

How to live with a fetishist?

When a married couple has a fetishist, sometimes it really becomes a serious problem for the couple. Often in a personal life on this ground, quarrels may arise, which in the end can lead to a rupture of relations. More often, love for things and things is observed in men. The second half can be shocked by strange fetishes, among which there are non-styled lingerie. If a person living with a fetishist is not very worried about his fetishism, you can leave it as it is, but if the situation becomes a problem for a couple, it is worth turning to a sexologist or psychotherapist.

How to get rid of a fetish?

If your couple also had to learn what a fetish is, try to get rid of this problem. One of the most effective treatments is aversive therapy. This method is more stringent than the psychotherapy of fetishism, but with its help the desired results can be achieved much faster. Here, the treatment of fetishism occurs by the following method - the patient, who is attracted to an object, shows it and at the same time its body is exposed to an electric discharge. Or as an option, give medicines that cause nausea.