Rest in winter abroad

With the onset of the cold season, the reduction of the light day, the autumn-winter depression can sneak in on us unnoticed. After all, until the warm days are still so far away. But there is a chance of such a depression not to be tolerated if you arrange a beach vacation in winter abroad.

At this time and the prices for rest are much more democratic than in the holiday season, and the weather is softer without suffocating heat. Cheap vacation in winter abroad is not a myth, but a reality. After the onset of November, prices are rapidly falling. And if in the summer of a five-star hotel can only dream, then it is in winter for a small fee you can get a wonderful service.


It is quite inexpensive to relax abroad in winter, of course, in all of our beloved Turkey - cheap, not far away and a lot of positive. Just keep in mind that the winter sea here is not particularly warm, and therefore lovers of the hot climate and the sea, like fresh milk Turkey will not do. Adherents of active beach sports and lovers of SPA-procedures will be able to have a good rest. For the latter, winter Turkey is a paradise. After all, prices for expensive summer services are now minimal with the same quality. Well, of course, excursions and shopping will also be cheaper at times.


Higher prices for winter holidays than in Turkey - in Egypt . But not much and it's worth it. After all, the air temperature is higher, and the sea is warmer, except for February - the coldest month. People on beaches and restaurants at hotels in winter are very few, and lovers of a quiet secluded holiday are very impressed. And excursions through the desert at a lower temperature than in the summer, will be more comfortable and at a cheaper price. Aggravated armed conflicts in this country can scare off travelers.


Since the Soviet era, the Cote d'Azur has a great popularity among the population of the post-Soviet space. Here are just prices now here have grown at times, but the level of service leaves much to be desired, compared with the same Turkey or Egypt. Because of this, Bulgaria is rarely seen as a country to visit, as well as Georgia, where prices are simply sky-high at the mediocre level of service.

United Arab Emirates

You can visit the eastern fairy tale even at the height of summer, but then you should prepare for the heat and quite expensive prices for hotels. In winter, the air temperature is within 26 degrees Celsius, and it is optimal for a relaxing beach holiday. And all the same five-star hotels will open your doors for less money.

Rest in Thailand, India and other remote countries will cost more, because only one-ten-hour flight costs a lot of money. Those who choose inexpensive vacation in winter abroad, you should take care of booking the tour in advance and then it will be good to save and at the same time to have a good rest.