"Herring under the fur coat" - a classic recipe

"Herring under the fur coat" is a traditional salad of the New Year's table, known to many housewives even from the Soviet times. For many years, the recipe of the dish has changed slightly, improved and modern herring is often prepared with the addition of various ingredients: apple, cheese, egg or salt cucumber. Let's look at some classic recipes for you, "Herring under a fur coat".

Classic modern recipe "Herring under the fur coat"



So, beets, potatoes, carrots and my eggs, boil until ready, and then cool and clean. The bulb is cleaned, shredded in cubes, put in a bowl, poured with water and add a little vinegar. Leave it to marinate for about 15 minutes. This time, we cut the herring and cut the fillets into small pieces. Next, we begin to lay out the layers of the classic "Herring under the fur coat" on the bottom of the dish, rubbing everything on a large grater. First three potatoes, then we put the herring evenly on top. Then sprinkle onions, cover with grated carrots, apples, eggs and beets. That's all, the classic salad "Herring under the fur coat" is ready!

Traditional recipe "Herring under the fur coat"



The bulb is cleaned, cut into thin semirings and sprinkled with vinegar for 15 minutes. The fillet of herring is finely chopped with a knife, and the eggs are boiled hard. Further we lower them into ice water for several minutes, clean and grind on a large grater. Carrots, beets and potatoes are cooked in a uniform, cleaned and crushed exactly as well on a grater. Now take a beautiful large dish and lay the first layer of boiled potatoes. We cover it with mayonnaise, we put the herring and the pickled onion. Then sprinkle a layer of eggs, grease with mayonnaise and evenly spread the carrots and beets. On top again, grease with mayonnaise and put the ready salad for 30-60 minutes in the fridge soak. Before serving, decorate the dish with lemon, greens and carrots.

The correct recipe for "Herring under the fur coat"


For decoration:


Potatoes, carrots and beets are good for mine and boil, but best bake until cooked in the peel. Eggs boil hard, then cool, clean and separate the yolks from the proteins to decorate our dishes. Yolks grind on a grater. We process the herring from the viscera, remove the skin, cut the fins, head and tail. After that, divide it on the fillet, removing carefully all the bones. We cut the fish into small cubes. Prepared vegetables are cleaned and three in different bowls on a large grater. We peel the bulb from the husks and shred the semirings. Now scald it with boiling water and leave it for 15 minutes so that all bitterness comes out of it. After this, we start spreading the salad layers on a plate: firstly chopped fish fillets; the second layer is laid onions and a thin layer of mayonnaise; then potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots and beets. We cover it with plenty of mayonnaise and proceed to decorating the ready-made salad. To do this, sprinkle the fur coat with a grated yolk, fresh chopped herbs and flowers from boiled vegetables and egg whites. We put our dish in the fridge and serve it on the table the next day.