How to whitewash the ceiling?

Ceiling whitewashing is one of the proven ways to finish it. Now the usual whitewash is replaced by modern, trendy coatings, but whitewashing still remains the cheapest and easiest way to refresh your interior.

How to correctly bleach the ceiling?

Before you whiten the ceiling, you must remove the old coating. If before that your ceiling beamed with a white coating of chalk, then now you need to apply an exceptionally calcareous (and vice versa), in the opposite case, there is a high probability that spots and stains are formed. If you have not decided on what better to whitewash the ceiling, then there are not so many options. In addition to chalk and lime white, the ceiling can be covered with white water-based paint, it guarantees a smoother and denser coating, and if desired, it can be mixed with the dye of any palette.

Before the whitening process, do not forget about the precautionary measures: in advance, purchase a respirator and goggles, or simply a gauze dressing, since you have to work with not the safest chemicals, getting them on the skin and mucous, leads to guaranteed irritation.

So, let's start whitewashing. First we will understand with traditional chalk and calcareous whitewash. "Recipe" whitewash with chalk for 10 square meters, approximately this: 5 liters of water, 30 grams of carpentry glue, 3 kilograms of chalk and 20 grams of blue. All components are mixed and before application we check the consistency - if the mass evenly envelops the surface and does not drain, then we can safely proceed to whitewashing.

To make a lime mortar mix 3 kilograms of hydrated lime, 200 grams of aluminum alum, 80 grams of table salt, 0.5 kg of dye. All the dry ingredients first dilute in a small amount of water, and then bring up to 10 liters.

You can apply whitewash with a roller or a sprayer (vacuum cleaner).

If you do not know which roller to bleach the ceiling, make a choice in favor of rollers with an average length of pile: they do not leave any drops and do not "bubble" whitewash. Before you start whitening the ceiling with a roller, consider some of the nuances: apply a whitewash in several layers, taking breaks for drying and do not forget that the first layer of the coating is applied from the window, and the subsequent one - on the contrary.

Before you whiten the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, put a polyethylene lid on the floor with a spray bottle, and connect it to the hose of the vacuum cleaner. We fill the jar with бе бе бе бе бе бе бе бе бе бе бе бе бе бе бе бе и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и и and turn the hose on the ceiling to turn on the vacuum cleaner We paint with a thin layer, in circular motions, in several approaches.

How to whitewash the ceiling with water-based paint?

For painting the ceiling with water-based paint we use a wide brush or roller with medium pile. We apply the paint W-shaped movements, with an indent from the wall about 3 cm. The first thin layer of paint is applied from the window, and the next to it. Usually a good color is produced in 2-3 layers.