Troll - mythology, what are they dangerous and where do they live?

Who is a troll, mythology gives a clear explanation. This is an unusual creature, a mountain spirit, hostile to people. The very word "troll" is translated from the Swedish language as "witchcraft", there is a version, supposedly the mountains are trolls turned into stone. Did they exist in reality, and what were the methods of salvation from trolls invented by our ancestors?

Who are the trolls?

The first legends about trolls appeared in Scandinavia, their main residence was called the big rocks and underground palaces. Ancient myths warned: a troll is an evil creature, from which one does not have to wait for anything good. There are three types of geographic features, depending on where the trolls live:

  1. Mountain . Great giants, like ogres. They live in the rocks.
  2. Forest . Small, akin to dwarfs. They live in caves.
  3. Roadway . They live under bridges that helped build. Take charge for the transition to the other shore.

In Norway, trolls in mythology are considered a kind of national symbol, many legends are reported in many villages and cities, allegedly these creatures hide in their caves untold riches. In the darkest night a lonely traveler can even see trolls lifting trunks of gold or miraculous palaces from the ground, but it is dangerous to approach them, otherwise one can never return to the world of the living.

What do the trolls look like?

The descriptions of these creatures are realistic, so scientists suggest that there were once not mythical, but real trolls. What is outwardly the troll, in mythology is explained thus:

The growth of an adult giant troll reaches eight meters, in width - at least two. Even the trolls were attributed to the Norwegian trolls, the more they were, the older and prettier the man was. The skin color of these creatures depends on the place of residence:

Little trolls on old pictures look like the famous hobbits of Tolkien, they lived in small caves. Often often clans settled. Engaged in agriculture and crafts. They consist of stone, because they originate from it, they live in rocks, in the sun instantly turn into stone. The birthplace of trolls-gnomes is the Norwegian province of Rugalani.

What do the trolls eat?

In all ancient legends it is said that people eat trolls. This applies to forest and mountain trolls. Bridge trolls - others, they are not afraid of sunlight, do not eat human, love money and women from the world of people. Often, they steal beauties, but do not eat them, but bewitch, so the unfortunate will never be able to return home. Norwegians and today are sure that there are also house trolls, who are looking after the house and protecting from the evil spirit .

What are the dangerous trolls?

With rare exceptions, it was believed that trolls are very dangerous for a person, having an ugly appearance, they are also clever for part of various tricks. Little trolls are known:

  1. By the theft of livestock.
  2. Robberies of barns and beer cellars.
  3. The substitution of human children for their own.

The most dangerous was the giant evil troll. These creatures killed people for food, sometimes taking human form. There were several ways to escape from such a giant:

  1. Do not say your name.
  2. Do not take refreshments.
  3. Wards of steel or mistletoe.
  4. Lure under the rays of the sun, which will turn a monster into stone.
  5. Running away, move across furrows in the field to form a cross.
  6. Distract the creature, guessing the riddle. If he can not answer, he will let the traveler go.
  7. Find the name of the troll to gain power over it.
  8. Hit the bell, this sound can not be tolerated by the trolls.

Types of trolls

The world of trolls is very diverse, exploring this phenomenon, scientists classified such types of trolls:

  1. Tusselade . Growth with a tall tree, skin covered with outgrowths, very skinny, so small strength.
  2. Jotnar . Growing up to 60 meters, incredibly strong.
  3. Raglephant . Below the previous species, but above the person in 3-4 times. Extremely powerful, very thick.
  4. Dovregub . The rarest type, the height of a man, but differs in that it is covered with brown wool. They live in caves in small groups.