Easy stroller

From birth to two or three years, all children are wheeled in wheelchairs. Usually the first transport of a toddler is a "lying" stroller-cradle in which he sleeps during walks. In 7-8 months the child becomes interested in studying the surrounding world from the sitting position. To do this, parents change the cradle to the walking unit, if it's a 2 in 1 stroller, or simply lift the backrest, if it's a transformer. Many mothers, tired of carrying heavy universal strollers, buy so-called walking, which is much easier and more maneuverable. When the baby grows up and already walks well, but, nevertheless, quickly becomes tired, it becomes actual to use a light stroller cane, which is convenient to take with you: you can at any time decompose the stroller and put a tired child in it.

Features of light stroller sticks

Due to its low weight (from 3 to 8 kg) and the design of the stroller, it is convenient to use it for traveling. They are also convenient if you live in a big city and often use the metro, trolleybuses, route taxis. Such a stroller is easy to fold and folded looks like a cane, from where it came from.

From what age it is possible to use a walking baby stroller, depends on several factors. First, all children develop differently: your child can abandon the stroller in a year and 4 months, or can ride in it until the age of three. Secondly, the strollers themselves are different, despite the fact that they share common features - low weight and the possibility of compact folding and convenient transportation. The main thing is that your child is already well seated, because the cane usually does not provide a rigid back, which is not very good for a weak child's spine.

Another point - children often sleep on walks, and the back of the stroller does not fall to the horizontal position, and this has to be tolerated. But practically all the strollers of the walking stick come with a bumper - a transverse handle, for which the child can hold while moving and which prevents the child from accidentally falling out of the stroller. The bumper is often hung with various bright toys, which serve as additional entertainment on the trip.

If you want to buy a light wheelchair, then think about where and how it will be operated and whether your child is ready for the appropriate conditions. Buy a cane not earlier than a year and preferably in the summer, because for these strollers are usually not equipped with protective covers and warm envelopes.

Types of walking sticks

A traditional stroller is a lightweight aluminum or plastic construction with four small twin wheels. However, over time, there are more and more functional models, such as, for example, a three-wheeled stroller Geoby D888-R92. It is very maneuverable thanks to the front swivel wheel, and also has a weight of up to 4 kg and compactly folds into a carry bag.

In addition, relatively recently in the market of children's vehicles there were strollers with canes with a handle. They are sold under this name, but in fact they are quite heavy weight strollers, which, although they form like a cane, are still quite inconvenient as a transport for traveling. Examples include Bebe Confort Loola, Inglesina Zippy Free and others.

Many parents who live in cities and villages with bad roads would not have given up the wheelchair of a cane with large wheels. However, such variants are very rare, and basically these are quite expensive models. In addition, large diameter wheels add extra weight to the stroller, which negates all the benefits of the cane. In this case, it is better to dwell on the option of a stroller (not a cane) with large wheels, such as Capella S802 or S901.