Insufficiency of the yellow body

To fulfill the main mission in the life of the mother of the mother mission, the wise mother nature has provided for everything: to prepare the egg for fertilization - ovulation, for the beginning of pregnancy - implantation, and for the development and maintenance of the nascent organism - the yellow body. It is a yellow gland of internal secretion, responsible for the production of estrogen and progesterone - a pregnancy hormone that "hinders" the release of new eggs in order to avoid the onset of menstruation.

The yellow body is a temporary gland, at 18-20 weeks the function of providing the hormonal background for normal pregnancy passes to the placenta. All is well, but sometimes it happens that a woman who wants to become a mother can not become pregnant or she can not keep a pregnancy. The reason for this is often enough deficiency of the yellow body (progesterone insufficiency).

To begin with, we will understand what can be caused by the inadequacy of the function of the yellow body:

How does the deficiency of the yellow body manifest during pregnancy?

The lack of a yellow body has the following symptoms, related to each other:

How to treat the deficiency of the corpus luteum?

As we see, functional deficiency of the yellow body - a pathology requiring compulsory treatment, which is a real threat of normal fetal gestation. And even if in the first or second trimesters of pregnancy there was no miscarriage, in the third this disease is fraught with the development of placental insufficiency.

Insufficiency of the yellow body provides treatment with special safe hormonal preparations with the content of progesterone. These include "Utrozhestan" (in capsules), "Dufaston" (in tablets), natural progesterone (in ampoules, usually used in a hospital), suppositories or suppositories with progesterone. In order to avoid undesirable consequences, including the cessation of ovulation, the appointment and dosage of drugs should be carried out by a qualified doctor strictly individually.

As part of the treatment, constant monitoring of the onset of ovulation with ultrasound methods, home ovulation tests, and blood tests for progesterone is also required.

Well, a healthy yellow body, an early offensive and the preservation of the desired pregnancy!