Cake recipe with raisins in the oven

Cupcake is a favorite sweet pastry not only for children, but also for adults. It is very simple to prepare and the costs for products are not very large. Such baking can brighten up the ordinary tea-drinking.

How to bake a cake with raisins in the oven?



In a glass container, grind the softened margarine well, stirring continuously, add yolks that were previously separated from proteins and sugar. Add the washed raisins, flour and vanillin, soda, slaked with freshly squeezed lemon juice. In a separate bowl whip the squirrels, and then put them into the dough, neatly mixing from the bottom up.

After the dough is ready, it must be poured into the mold by one third of the total volume. Then put the bake in a preheated to one hundred and seventy-five degrees oven for forty minutes. Willingness to check the cupcake with a dry toothpick - after piercing the stick should remain dry. Then you need to take the dessert out of the oven and decorate it, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Cupcake on kefir with raisins in the oven - recipe



Soft margarine mixed with yogurt, vanillin, flour, raisins and soda. Then carefully, pre-beaten eggs with sugar. Dough should resemble dense sour cream. In the prepared cake molds, pour out the dough, filling them with a third of the volume. Bake in the oven for twenty-five minutes, which is preheated to one hundred and eighty-five degrees. When cupcakes with raisins in the oven molds are ready they should be checked with a toothpick.

Lush cupcake with raisins in the oven



Rinse the raisins first with pour boiling water, and then rum. Leave to stand for at least thirty minutes. Flour, baking powder and sugar to stir with soft oil until the mass turns to crumb. Add coconut shavings, nuts, raisins, eggs and milk. Pour the dough into a cake pan and place it in a preheated oven for fifty minutes. Readiness of baking is checked with a wooden thin stick - if it is dry, then the dessert is ready. Ready cake with raisins to cool in the form, take out and pour with melted chocolate.

Cupcakes with raisins in oven molds



In a bowl, grind sugar and a soft creamy oil. Add the eggs and mix everything. Add baking powder, salt and vanillin. After careful mixing, pour out the flour and raisins. For the preparation of cupcakes it is necessary to well cover the mold with butter. To fill them with a test is necessary for a third of the volume. Bake in the oven, which is heated to 185 degrees, thirty-five minutes. After the dessert is ready it is necessary to take it out of the molds and put it on a beautiful dish, sprinkled with powdered sugar.