Cultivation of embryos

Cultivation of embryos is a process of observing the fertilization of an egg and the development of an embryo from it, taking place in a laboratory on embryology. All stages of growth take place in a specially manufactured environment, the quality composition of which is almost the same as the liquid in the fallopian tubes and the uterus itself.

Cultivation of embryos - what is this process?

The moment of the beginning of the cultivation begins on the day after the follicle collection in the woman. The embryologist evaluates the fact of the onset of fertilization, and based on the number of normally fertilized eggs, the estimated date of transfer of the blastocysts is established.

It is generally accepted that the more normal fertilized embryos are available, the longer their cultivation term should be. This makes it possible to select the most viable specimens that have a great chance of successfully attaching to the uterus.

Extended cultivation is the latest development in the field of clinical embryology, since embryos grown to blastocysts within 5 days of fertilization have a high capacity for implantation. This procedure has become real thanks to the developed special substances that mimic each individual microenvironment, which embryo passes along the path of its advancement in the female body.

Cryoprotection of blastocysts

If several dozen successfully fertilized eggs take place, then the patients of the IVF clinic are recommended to resort to the procedure for their freezing. She may undergo ovules that have just undergone the fertilization process, 4 or 8-cell embryos, and blastocysts. This makes it possible in the case of an ineffective first artificial insemination to avoid numerous preliminary and costly interventions.

Before the transfer of frozen embryos, the uterus must undergo a preparation process that excludes punctures and stimulation of the ovaries . If the patient has a normal ovulation cycle, the transfer of cryopreserved blastocysts with IVF is scheduled for 7 or 10 days from the beginning. If the natural process is broken, then it is restored with the help of hormonal preparations, and only then they make a decision about thawing the embryos.

Doctors warn that the chances of getting pregnant with the use of cryopreserved eggs are lower than with standard IVF. This is due to the fact that the so-called remains of embryos, whose quality is somewhat worse, are subject to freezing.