PCOS and pregnancy

Conception of the baby with scleropolyakistosis of the ovaries is impossible without appropriate treatment, i.e. PCOS and pregnancy are two incompatible concepts. This pathology is characterized by the fact that a violation occurs both in the process of maturation of the oocyte and in subsequent ovulation.

Why does PCOS occur?

Many women, faced with scleropolycystosis of the ovaries, do not know what it is and from what this disease appears. The main cause of this pathology in women is an overabundance in the body of male sex hormones - androgens . In addition, when studying other causes of development of pathology, it was found that sensitivity to insulin is sharply reduced. Later it was revealed that these two symptoms are interrelated, and an increase in the blood of women in the insulin content, in turn, leads to an enhanced synthesis of androgens.

It is male sex hormones that lead to a thickening of the outer wall of the ovaries. Later, the thickened membrane makes it difficult for the egg to enter the abdominal cavity, thereby interfering with the ovulation process.

Proceeding from the foregoing, we can distinguish 3 main causes of scleropolyakistosis of the ovaries:

How is PCOS treated?

The main method of treatment of PCOS is laparoscopy , after which pregnancy often occurs. During this operation, the affected part of the ovary is removed. In this case, the wedge-shaped part of it is excised, which is directly responsible for the synthesis of male sex hormones. In addition, this method of treatment can be used in the presence of concomitant diseases, such as adhesions and obstruction of the fallopian tubes.

After carrying out laparoscopy in PCOS, pregnancy often occurs. ovulation is completely renewed. Typically, the recovery process takes 2-3 months, after which a woman can safely plan to conceive. If after a few months ovulation does not occur, resort to stimulating hormones.

Thus, pregnancy with scleropolyakistosis of the ovaries is possible, and comes just six months after its treatment. In case if within 1 year after the therapy of pathology the woman has not managed to get pregnant, the doctors recommend ECO as an alternative to the classic conception of the baby.