
Ipecacuan refers to poisonous medicinal plants, as it contains a fairly large number of alkaloids - emetin and cephalein. In small doses, these toxins contribute to the process of expectoration and increased activity of villi on the ciliated epithelium of the bronchi.

Large portions of any preparations based on ipecac, cause attacks of severe nausea and rapid evacuation of the contents of the stomach, so this plant is also known as the vomiting root. Usually it is used as a cough remedy , to cleanse the digestive system is used less often.

Syrup and infusion of the vomiting root

The main medicinal properties of this herb are inherent in its rhizomes. To prepare various preparations, they are fermented and dried, after which they are ground to a powder. It is the raw material for the production of medicines based on ipecacuanas.

Such funds can be purchased at the pharmacy or made independently, you only need to get a dry extract of ipecacuanas:

  1. Water infusion - dissolve in 180 ml of water 0.5 g of the active ingredient.
  2. Alcohol tincture - mix 10 g of powder and 90 g of 70% medical alcohol.
  3. Syrup - in 90 ml of sugar syrup add 10 ml of alcohol tincture.

Depending on the dosage, all the given medicines can produce both expectorant and emetic effects.

Instructions for use of the vomiting root

Dry extract of ipecacuanas and any other variations of this raw material in its pure form can not be taken categorically, since such actions can cause serious poisoning.

If the above drugs are used to facilitate liquefaction and excretion of sputum from the bronchi, then they should be used in the following dosages:

When poisoning and other pathologies requiring emergency evacuation of the contents of the stomach, the described medications should be taken in order to call for vomiting. For this they are appointed once, but in increased dosages:

It is extremely important to strictly observe the indicated proportions in order to avoid intoxication.