Fir cones in stroke

Hemorrhages in the brain with the help of folk methods are treated, as a rule, using pine cones. Few people know that spruce in this case is not less useful and effective, especially if you start therapy on time. Fir cones in stroke can gradually eliminate the effects of an attack, restore the lost functions of the brain and the mobility of the limbs.

Infusion of spruce cones

You can prepare the medicine in two ways: using alcohol and water.

It should be noted that folk healers recommend that treatment with female fir cones, preferably young ones. Raw materials should be collected at the edges of branches, paying attention to the presence of ovules between the scales. In addition, it is important that the cones contain at least a small amount of soft dark resin.

Tincture recipe for water:

  1. Grind the hips , the onion husks and spruce cones.
  2. Mix the ingredients in 3: 2: 5 proportions respectively.
  3. Boil in 700 ml of water 10 tablespoons of the obtained raw material for 10 minutes.
  4. Cover with a lid, wrap in a thick blanket and insist for 8-12 hours.
  5. Strain the solution, drink instead of water for a day, but not more than 1 liter per day.
  6. Continue therapy for about 3 or 4 months.

Treatment of a stroke with fir cones

Often after a stroke , paralysis of limbs and various parts of the body is observed. From such problems alcoholic infusion well helps:

  1. Approximately 250 g of soft young cones pour 500 ml of vodka.
  2. Shake the mixture and leave to stand for 10 days, before placing the container in the refrigerator.
  3. Strain the medicine.
  4. Rub paralyzed areas twice a day, performing intensive kneading massage.

You can improve the effect if you add an internal reception of spruce cones:

  1. Fresh raw materials (2-3 pcs.) Should be wrapped in cotton cloth and crushed with a hammer.
  2. Shredded cones in a glass, pour over with boiling water.
  3. Leave on for half an hour, strain the remedy, do not discard the leftovers.
  4. Drink solution throughout the day.

The remaining sediment can be used repeatedly, only insist cones will have already 3 hours.

The described procedure is recommended to be repeated until significant improvements in the patient's condition become apparent.

Before preparing medicines, you need to make sure that the spruce grows in an ecologically clean area, since the resin has the property of absorbing poisonous substances. Even if you collect cones in the woods, try to find a tree not near the road.