Ecological education of schoolchildren

It is well-known that today in the world there is a complicated ecological situation. Global warming, the extinction of rare animal species, increased forest fires, hurricanes and floods make it sound the alarm of environmental scientists around the world. The development of civilization (urbanization, flourishing industry) has led to excessive pollution of the environment, and its condition is deteriorating every year. At the same time, the main problem of modern society is the careless attitude of people towards nature, the lack of elementary ecological education among the population of our planet.

Modern educational programs are trying to catch up, conducting ecological education of schoolchildren. However, parents and educators should know that conversations about ecology should be started long before school. Education of ecological culture should be introduced from childhood, so that, as a schoolboy, a child already had some knowledge in this area.

Activities for the environmental education of schoolchildren

The approach to environmental education of junior and senior students is markedly different. First of all, the difference consists in the methods by which the teacher communicates information to his students. Work on the environmental education of junior schoolchildren should take place in a game form. It involves the following methods:

Children of primary school age should be given dosing, based on the basic concepts of natural history. For example, at first the child must learn that nature is not the property of people, but living matter, and it can not be offended. Children should learn to differentiate between good and bad: feeding birds well, breaking tree branches is bad, planting a tree is right, and picking a flower is wrong. It is recommended to conduct game classes aimed at mastering this material. During a stay in nature, children should be taught the basic scientific method - observation. Primary school does not involve any analysis, but only the accumulation of a knowledge base.

Its fruit brings and communication with animals at home and in living corners. At first, children communicate with animals, because it's just interesting; then there comes a moment when the child realizes that taking care of a living being is good, pleasant and right, and later comes the understanding of the need for such care.

When children who receive such an environmental education grow up and become high school students, it is much easier to build work with them. Senior schoolchildren, enthusiastic ecology, can be organized in an environmental circle, where to conduct particularly interesting studies and even scientific experiments. In addition to the usual theoretical and practical exercises, you can arrange:

The need for moral and ecological education of schoolchildren should be understood not only by nature teachers. To instill in children love and respect for nature, to interest the growing generation of environmental problems - this is one of the goals of modern education. Not only the school, but also the family environment should help the child understand the importance of this issue. And who knows, it is possible that your child will become a well-known ecologist in the future and will find a solution to the problem of how to save nature from destruction.