Soda for plants in the garden

Such familiar and native baking soda is familiar to the landlady as a means against many misfortunes in the household and everyday life. But it turns out that soda is also indispensable for plants in our garden. Do not believe me? Do you doubt whether it is possible to spray plants with soda? Let's look at how this white powder can be applied on the plot of land.

Soda from plant diseases

You can treat soda as an unpleasant and common phenomenon like powdery mildew. To do this, we brew a tablespoon of soda in 1 liter of water, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent. With this mixture, spray sick plants once a week in cloudy dry weather.

Another recipe is how to spray the soda plant: 5 liters of water will need 2 tablespoons of soda, 20 grams of liquid soap. This solution is sprayed with plants for the first time before flowering, and then - 3-4 times more with an interval of about a week.

Use for other purposes

Processing plants with soda can lead to positive results, in particular - to rejuvenate perennial shrubs. So, the soda solution is able to rejuvenate the rose bushes. To do this, in 5 liters of water, you need to dilute 1 teaspoon of soda, half a teaspoon of ammonia and 1 teaspoon of Epsom.

It helps soda and weeds. A small weed grass , persistently making its way between the tiles on the paths of the garden, will recede if you pour the slits with a strong soda solution.

How to treat plants with soda from pests?

The hateful cabbage caterpillar often spoils the harvest. And the method of dealing with it can be very simple. It is necessary to mix in equal parts flour, soda, add a little pollen of the plant itself and sprinkle the young leaves with such a mixture. Pests such a lure is unlikely to have taste. But for people this "poison" is not at all terrible.

Feeding of plants with baking soda

On the question of whether soda is harmful to plants, the answer is unambiguous - not harmful. On the contrary, it can improve the taste of the crop. Many summer residents say that if you feed tomatoes with a soda solution in any of the ways - under the root or foliar, the fruits will become sweeter and tastier.

Practice is also spraying with a soda solution of grapes during the ripening of grapes. This will add sugariness and make the grapes tastier. These subtleties can be successfully applied on their site, especially since they do not require significant expenditures.