Macies made from corrugated paper

Flowering red poppies symbolize youth, charm, pleasure and dreaminess. It's not for nothing that bouquets of poppies are adorned in the pictures of famous artists, and photographers will never pass by the fields with unmatched red heads on the stems. If you want to settle at home a piece of this charm, make your own poppies from paper. We bring to your attention the master class "Poppy Paper".

Elegant corrugated paper poppy

  1. Make poppies from corrugated paper is not difficult. For the first flower you will need paper of three colors (red, black, green), scissors, wire, glue and cotton wool. Let's start with the middle, we'll make a hook at the end of the wire, wrap cotton wool on it, wrap this cocoon with a piece of black paper and fix it with wire or thread. Next, cut out a paper rectangle with sides 8cm and 3cm and along its length cuts to the middle make "fringe". We wrap the fringe with the fringe.
  2. Since it is necessary to make a poppy from a paper neat and uniform, it is desirable to create a drop-shaped petal template, along which it will be possible to cut out the rest. It will take six parts, however, you can do more if you want the flower to turn out to be more fluffy.
  3. Now we put the petals around the center, holding them with your fingers, giving the flower the desired shape and fixing the details with corrugated green teip-tape. It is acceptable to use just a strip of paper and glue. We wrap the entire wire rod to the end - the poppy is ready!

Simple poppy seed paper

  1. The following poppies are no less interesting flowers from corrugated paper, but they are performed on a different principle. Almost the same materials and tools are needed: paper, wire, scissors, glue, beads and a piece of leather or felt. First of all we take a thin wire, thread on it a tight black beads and twist it to form a ball. Then, with figured scissors, we cut out a black felt or leather piece that looks like a blob. String it on the wire.
  2. Let's turn to the petals. Cut out six identical circles of red corrugated paper with a diameter of 5 cm and also string them on a wire. This method demonstrates how to make a more schematic poppy from paper. By the way, if you take a cloth instead of paper, then, on the same principle, you can form an original brooch for decorating clothes.
  3. To the petals do not fall down, from the back side we pass the bead and after that we wind the stalk with corrugated green paper. You can make and poppy leaves from green paper that can be easily glued over the wrapped stem. The second option is ready!

Large poppy seed paper

  1. It is possible that for interior decoration or for decorating a children's holiday, you may need large poppies from corrugated paper. Previous ideas for large sizes are not suitable, so consider one more. We take a roll of corrugated paper of red color, cut into 6 parts, put one on top of the other and add them to the accordion approximately 8-10 cm wide. We fix the bottom with threads or a large stapler. On the upper part at the corners of the accordion we will make rounded sections. Now turn the petals in a circle and, separating the layers from each other, give the flower volume.
  2. Then take the pruning edges and wrap them in a sheet of black paper to make a ball. We will wrap the base with scotch tape, this will be the middle of the poppy.
  3. As stalks you can use wooden slats or thick wire, they are also wrapped in paper and adorned with leaves. The support for flowers can serve as a large vase or specially designed platform. Such flowers will certainly impress!

Of corrugated paper, you can make other beautiful flowers, such as roses and tulips .