Why are your hands sweating?

Excessive sweating brings a lot of trouble not only to the person who suffers it, but to everyone around him. Surely you also understand how repulsive the persistent palms can always feel. To say clearly why the hands are sweating is difficult. Factors that have to this problem, there are a lot. Only a specialist can make a reliable diagnosis, and then only after a comprehensive examination.

Why are the fingers cold and constantly sweating?

In medicine, this phenomenon is commonly called hyperhidrosis. The disease is localized and common. The latter is diagnosed in patients whose palms become wet during stressful situations or illnesses, after heavy physical exertion or in the heat. In principle, this category can be attributed to virtually the entire population of the planet.

The main difference between localized hyperhidrosis is that not only palms, but also feet become damp in patients.

One of the most common reasons why you can sweat your hands and feet is a violation of the autonomic nervous system. They are caused by chronic or aggravated diseases, emotional overstresses and severe stresses, overwork, hormonal disturbances.

Other reasons:

  1. Hyperhidrosis can be caused by diseases of the endocrine system.
  2. Negative on the body affects not only excessive physical, but also mental stress.
  3. Another reason why your hands are constantly sweating is infection. Fortunately, dealing with infectious hyperhidrosis specialists is infrequent.
  4. Sometimes the disease leads to an overabundance or vice versa lack of vitamins. It is for this reason that hyperhidrosis begins to develop in many pregnant women or adhering to a strict diet of women.
  5. In older patients, the ailment may begin to manifest against the background of a progressive menopause.
  6. In the risk zone there are also diabetics, and also those people who suffer from oncology, vegetovascular dystonia , hyperthyroidism.
  7. We can not discount the unfavorable state of the environment, as well as the abuse of harmful habits.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis

Before choosing a therapy, you need to understand why it is often sweaty hands. This will help not only to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also to prevent their appearance in the future. While the treatment will be neutralized sweating is possible with the help of hand creams.