Why the kitten has watery eyes - the most common reasons

The reasons why the kitten has a lot of watery eyes, this is an indicator of any health problems. Especially an alarming factor can be plentiful unhealthy discharge (for example, purulent), after which crusts are formed.

The kitten has watery eyes - reasons

The eyes of an absolutely healthy animal (with the exception of some breeds) do not have excessive teariness and discharge. Reasons why the kitten has watery eyes, there are several, the most common veterinarians call the following:

  1. Contact with dirt in the eyes. To get rid of this cause, you should daily practice eye hygiene, washing them and applying special drops.
  2. Presence of an infection. To establish a correct diagnosis, a specialist consultation is needed, a laboratory study of flushing with a conjunctiva will reveal the nature of the disease and determine the treatment regimen.
  3. Allergic disease. Independently to determine the allergy and even more so that it is impossible to serve as an irritant, it is necessary to conduct a series of analyzes.
  4. Mechanical damage. The reason is very serious, untimely assistance of the veterinarian can lead to blindness of the animal.
  5. Possible bowel disease. It can be worms, improperly selected food, wool that has got and accumulated in the intestines.
  6. Bright light of fluorescent lamps. Kittens often do not tolerate this type of lighting.

Why does the kitten get watery eyes and what can a specialist fix, using laboratory tests. Depending on the causes causing tearfulness, either antibiotics or anti-allergenic drugs are prescribed, or rinsing and instillation may be just used. If after the conducted course of taking medications no improvement occurs, then operative intervention is inevitable.

Why does the kitten sneeze and watery eyes?

Sneezing and increased tearing of the kitten can result in a cold, but this is also a manifestation of such diseases: calciviroza , herpesvirus, mycoplasmosis or the most dangerous infection - chlamydia . The cause of these phenomena can be and allergy, and dental problems, and a tumor or foreign object in the nose. If the kitten sneezes and watery eyes, then the treatment depends on the causes that caused the pathology.

If it is caused by a cold, it has a runny nose, you can poke baby droplets into the spout. For more serious problems, it may be injections with hydrocartisone solutions. Drops of sfradeks, kanamycin, levomitsitin, well-proven drugs. In this situation, there is no need to take risks, timely access to a specialist will save the pet from further problems, and in some cases from blindness and even death.

The kitten has fainting eyes and watering

Small discharge from the eye of a kitten can not be given special significance, this is a normal physiological phenomenon, manifested in pets up to one year in 60% of cases. But, if a small kitten has a teary eye, there is a purulent discharge, then this is a sign of a serious illness, for example, catnip . If the secretions are brown or green, they are dense, the kitten's eyelids stick together, this is the first sign of infection.

The kitten has a runny nose, watery eyes

If a month-old kitten has watery eyes, a runny nose, carefully observe whether he has sores in the nose, what his chair is, or if the appetite is gone. Depending on the symptoms manifested, you can talk either about the child's hypothermia, or about the appearance of a viral infection due to weak immunity, or it is a beginning allergy to a certain irritant. The more you describe the symptoms, the easier the vet will determine the disease and prescribe the correct treatment regimen.

After a meal, the kitten has watery eyes

If the kitten has a lot of watery eyes in the process of eating or after it and plus a runny nose has appeared - this is most likely caused by the intolerance of a certain product or food and is the first sign of an allergy. In order to avoid problems in the future, the baby should be shown to the veterinarian and, through laboratory tests, to detect the allergen and change the pet's diet.

Kitten sneezes and watery eyes

If the kitten is constantly watery eyes, it often sneezes, and discharge from the nozzle, but there is no temperature, its breathing is not difficult, the cause of this is often a banal allergy. It can be caused by food, household dust, chemical household sprays or cleaning and cleaning products, tobacco smoke. Having determined the allergen and eliminating it, you prevent tearing and sneezing in the future. Sneezing and tearfulness on the background of fever and difficulty breathing are caused by an infection in the upper respiratory tract.

The kitten has brown eyes

If the kitten cat has a lot of watery eyes, thick brown discharge is an inflammatory process, and the discharge is purulent. Inflammation can occur due to trauma of the cornea of ​​the eye, dirt and dust entering the visual organ, eyelid twisting, infection, blepharitis, apiphora. The banal cause of brown secretions can be prepared feed mixed with regular food or feed mix from different manufacturers.

The kitten has teary eyes - what to do?

Most importantly - do not self-medicate, especially if the cause is not clear to you. A careful and attentive owner will notice that the kitten has eyes watering, and he squints. Do not delay for a long time, conduct clinical studies in a vet clinic. In case of an allergic reaction, the doctor will prescribe hormonal preparations, in case of infection, the specialist will choose a treatment regimen depending on the type of bacterium or virus.

Lachrymation serves as a protective reaction to various irritants (infection, bacteria, allergens), or mechanical damage (injuries during fights with rivals, foreign bodies). At the initial stage of lacrimation, perform additional hygienic procedures, try to rinse the eyes of the baby with boiled water, tea, drops Diamond eyes, furatsilinom.

The kitten has watery eyes - treatment

Excellent means for kittens are veterinary drugs: ciprovet, dixamethasone, traumatins. For one week try to use these drugs, but if you realize that they do not have the proper effect, are ineffective or do not help at all, immediately consult a doctor to know exactly why the kitten has eyes watering.

As you have already understood, there are several reasons why the kitten gets watery eyes, how and what to treat, the veterinarian will determine by establishing an accurate diagnosis. If it is ulcerative blepharitis, after cauterizing certain areas on the eyelids, they are lubricated with ointment, which includes an antibiotic. Twisting eyelids will require surgical intervention, to prevent further suppuration use antiseptic, which is treated with eyelids. Conjunctivitis is treated with levomycetin droplets or kanamycin.

To avoid lacrimation, carry out preventive, hygienic procedures, rinse the kitten eyes with boiled water or broths with St. John's wort, calendula, sage, chamomile. Specialists recommend using special daily drops of Bars or some other, available for these purposes in veterinary pharmacies or pet stores. If you have found the reason why your kitten has watery eyes, try to use it yourself.