Breast cyst - symptoms

Recently, there has been an increase in the prevalence of benign breast pathology. An important role in this is played by the rhythm of everyday life with an unfavorable ecological situation and a large number of stressful situations. And the main cause of cyst formation is any malfunction in the functioning of the endocrine glands. First of all, these are diseases of genital organs and thyroid gland.

The probability of a cyst degeneration into a malignant formation is low. But even in the absence of signs of a breast cyst , control over its development is still necessary.

Clinical manifestations of the breast cyst

The main symptom of a breast cyst is a compaction that is detected during self-examination. To the touch, its surface is smooth, elastic. The cyst is often inactive, but not soldered to surrounding tissues. Painful sensations during palpation are not noted. And if the pain is still troubling, then this is due to pressure on the surrounding tissue. Especially this situation is typical in the premenstrual period, when the tissue of the gland under the influence of changes in the hormonal background increases slightly.

With the development of inflammation of the breast cysts, there are symptoms of intoxication, which means an increase in body temperature, chills. In this case, reddening of the skin over the formation is typical and there is a sharp soreness.

Multiple cysts of the mammary gland are spoken in case of defeat of both glands. Also the cavity of similar cysts can be divided by partitions - these are multi-chamber cysts.

In terms of size, the cysts of the breast are very diverse. It is this characteristic of education that affects the severity of clinical manifestations. Cysts, the size of which is several millimeters, can not be manifested at all, and such an education is difficult to detect by touch. Such small cysts of the breast are detected using ultrasound. But the term "large cyst of the breast" implies the formation, which can be detected by palpation. As a rule, its minimum size will be from 1.5 cm.

Diagnostic measures

The mammary gland is clearly visible on ultrasound, it is more difficult to determine if it is performed by a mammogram . The breast cyst looks like a dark round cavity filled with liquid contents. When pressure is applied to the sensor, the cavity collapses and becomes invisible. Also, the cyst is characterized by the presence of an acoustic path, that is, from the formation down a light shadow departs.

Care should be the appearance of changes inside the cyst cavity. The presence of protrusions and growths on the inner surface of the capsule indicates the presence of an atypical cyst of the breast, against which development of oncological pathology is possible.

Treatment of breast cysts

If the mammary gland cyst is single and small, then just regular monitoring and therapy aimed at restoring the level of hormones is enough. With a large size of a single or solitary cyst of the breast, puncture under the supervision of ultrasound is necessary. During this, the entire contents of the cavity are removed, after which the cyst walls collapse. For better effect, air or sclerosing agents are introduced into the cavity.

To treat the symptoms of a breast cyst, the following medicines are used:

Surgical treatment is mandatory in the case of:

In the presence of malignant process, it is necessary not only to remove the formation, but also the surrounding tissues.