Pure Thursday - signs

Thursday of Holy Week has special significance for the Orthodox, for it was on this day that the secret Supper took place, during which Jesus said goodbye to his disciples, washed the feet of the apostles, already knowing about the future betrayal of Judas. Thursday before Easter was called Clean and associated with him a lot of signs, rites and conspiracies, mainly relating to health, financial success and love.

People's signs on a clean Thursday

One of the most common customs associated with this day is washing before sunrise. If you have time to swim early in the morning, then in this way you can cleanse not only the body, but the soul, getting rid of diseases and sins. After this, it is customary to go to the church for confession and communion. It is believed that only on Pure Thursday you can ask God for your most terrible and secret sins. Returning home, be sure to start cleaning. Such a sign of Pure Thursday is connected with superstition: it is believed that a holiday does not come to a dirty house. In addition, the Lord gives an opportunity on this day to find something that was lost many months ago.

Cleaning should be not superficial, but general with the removal to the garbage dump of any unnecessary trash, spoiled things and broken equipment. How then, and today, many people adhere to the custom of not cutting babies until they are one year old. Most specially wait for Clean Thursday to cut off the hair of your child, while reading the prayer, and thus provide him with protection from evil forces for a whole year.

The signs of pure Thursday for girls

There is a mass of signs and rituals for young girls to attract a loved one. To implement one of them you need a piece of soap. It must be used to wash the body in the early morning, and the remainder should be put in a bucket of water and use this solution for cleaning in the house, all the time saying: "(The name of the guy) clings to me like soap." If the soap dissolves in the water is not completely, then the remaining piece is recommended to be taken to the church and prikopat somewhere near the fence or put under the threshold.

Those who are interested in what signs existed on Pure Thursday for beauty, it is worth noting that they are also related to water and purification. On the night from Wednesday to Thursday, you need to insist water on silver, and it is advisable to put the tank where the moonlight falls during the night. In the morning it is customary to wash this water. It is believed that it gives a person not only health, but also beauty.

Signs associated with money

In order to have money in the house for a whole year, it is recommended that several coins be put in a bucket of water before cleaning. In this hostess should read a prayer, and as soon as cleanliness is imposed, drain the water under a young tree, and put coins for a whole week into the far corner of their home. There is also such a rite to attract financial success: it is recommended to recount all the cash that is in the house, and do it three times - in the morning, in the evening and in the evening, and when none of the domestic people sees it.

It is on Thursday begin to knead the dough and bake Easter cakes, and still paint eggs, but not only. According to this note, before Thursday's Thursday it was recommended to buy all the necessary products and start cooking, and on that day they prepared Thursday salt, which has a huge healing power. Earlier it was made in ovens, but today there are a lot of recipes adapted to modern realities. Purified by fire, salt received a powerful life-giving and healing power and was used to protect against evil eye and spoilage, dark forces, healing of patients. It was believed that sewn into the incense, it can save from a bullet in the war or bandits on the road.