Character according to the form of nails

It is believed that information about a person can be learned by looking at his appearance. For example, the shape of the nails is easy to determine the nature of the person. Psychologists claim that, despite the individuality of each person, analyzing the details of the appearance, you can identify several common features.

What does the shape of nails mean? Information about the character of a person

Looking at the hands of even an unfamiliar person, you can find out about some of his internal qualities, which, perhaps, he hides from others. First, pay attention to the shape of the nail plate.

How to determine the nature of a person in the form of nails:

  1. Rectangular form means that a person is an optimist, and he does not lose faith in a happy outcome in any situation. It is worth noting also the high sense of purpose, which allows you to cope even with the most difficult situations. Thanks to their positive, such people even perceive negative aspects as a lesson.
  2. The square shape indicates the leading qualities, and still such people have great courage and perseverance. They live, relying only on the mind, not considering the emotions . Even on the square form of nails in men and women, one can say about such a character trait as steadiness regardless of the situation.
  3. Trapezoid form is inherent in creative people who have a huge energy. They are distinguished by high self-esteem, which sometimes leads to conflicts. Despite their inner strength, people with trapezoidal nails are vulnerable personalities who need the approval of others.
  4. Semicircular convex shape of the nails speaks about such qualities of character as dreaminess and vulnerability. Such people often hover in the clouds, thinking of unrealizable dreams. In life, they are moved by feelings, not by the mind. It is also worth mentioning that often others underestimate such people.
  5. Fingernail-shaped nails mean that a person is a good family man. Strong relationships with close people are very important for him. In the event that nails extend to the edge - this is an indication of the sensuality and emotionality of nature.
  6. On the oval shape of the nails in women and men you can learn about such character traits as sentimentality and dreaminess. Because of their ability to idealize everything, problems often arise. Such people are very fair, but they do not tolerate rigidity.

On the nature of man can be judged not only in the form of nails, for example, if they are thick, then a person often displays aggression. If the nails are short - this indicates independence of nature. Long nails mean that their owner is unpredictable and loves luxury.