Pregnancy for the Scottish Fold

Will your Scottish cat soon become a mother? Then you must be prepared for the fact that she will need your attention and care. If the owners will correctly handle the cat during pregnancy, then the offspring will be born healthy and strong. Let's find out how long the pregnancy lasts for Scottish cats and how their births take place.

Scottish cat - pregnancy and childbirth

As a rule, the normal pregnancy of a Scottish Fold cats lasts sixty-five days. The fact that your pet is in an interesting position can be guessed by such signs:

Approximately to the 25th day of pregnancy, a Scottish cat will have such a sign as swelling and enlargement of the nipples. After the thirtieth day, the cat begins to increase its abdomen. During this period, you can not touch the cat's stomach to determine the number of kittens, as careless movement can injure fragile small fruit. Determine the number of kittens and the state of their health can only be done by examining ultrasound, which is carried out in a veterinary clinic.

During pregnancy, you should protect the Scottish Fold cat from jumping from the top. Do not let the children squeeze the animal and even take it in your arms.

Eat a pregnant cat should often. In the second half of the period the cat should be fed 4-5 times a day, making sure that it does not overeat. Useful in this period for the animal vitamins, containing calcium, necessary for the proper development of kittens.

Approximately to the fiftieth day of pregnancy prepare a nest for sorts of a cat in the form of a cardboard box. One side of the box should be cut in half, so that it would be convenient for the cat to jump into it.

The birth of a cat is divided into three stages. The first - fights - can last about a day. At this time, the cervix is ​​opened, and the kittens seem to be lining up. By the end of this stage, attempts begin. The cat fits into the nest and loudly purrs. The second stage - the birth of a kitten, and the third - the output of the afterbirth. A born cat kitten relieves of a fetal bladder, licks and bites the umbilical cord. Similarly, all the subsequent kittens are born. In the first two hours after birth, the kittens must necessarily be attached to the nipples of the mother.