Wavy Parrots - Care and Content

Large parrots look funny, they are long-livers and good intellectuals, but the cost of such a bird and its very content will fly to a lover in a penny. Just one large cage for a jaco or macaw is already quite an expensive purchase. In addition, you still need to find a place in the apartment to install a cumbersome structure, whose dimensions are more than a meter in width. Therefore, until now the most popular species are the infernal birds and budgies. With onomatopoeia, they are not all as good as the big relatives. But these creatures are so able to adapt themselves to the new environment that even novice schoolchildren will cope with them, if desired.

Contents of wavy parrots

  1. Cage for wavy parrots .
  2. It is better not to look for a dwelling for birds of some unusual shape with additional ornaments. They not only quickly accumulate dirt, but also to move here feathered is also not very convenient. Therefore, buy or make a rectangular cage with the most common flat roof. If you plan to get a maximum of a couple of birds, then there will be enough living space of 80x40 cm. A flock of 4 parrots will have to double the cage. Our birds have small sizes and the distance between the bars should not be wider than 12 mm. Galvanized wire or copper are considered harmful alloys, and plastic is afraid of hot liquid for washing. Tree your pets will gnaw, and the cage will quickly lose an excellent original look. It is best to get a dwelling of unpainted stainless wire. It is light, durable, it is easy to wash and treat the house from parasites.

  3. Light mode .
  4. It turns out that this parameter has no less importance in the care of wavy parrots than their feeding. If there is light in the room until late, the cells should be covered, providing the pupils with sufficient time for rest. Without a good sleep, parrots can get sick, suffer from stress, become apathetic or, on the contrary, very irritated and aggressive. Insomnia can provoke moulting and loss of appetite. But poor lighting is also harmful to birds. In summer, the light day of a wavy parrot should reach 12-14 hours, and in autumn and winter - 10-12 hours. Also, do not bother birds in the afternoon, when they like to rest a little. In winter it is necessary to install artificial lighting, installing at a distance of 50-100 cm from the cage special lamps that can be found in pet stores.

  5. Humidity .
  6. The conditions of the parrots depend on the humidity in the room, the percentage of which should be close to 60%. Dry air improves immunity, feathers become brittle, and the coloring of birds is dim. Especially the humidity decreases during the heating season. Humidifiers of air help with the possibility of its additional purification, which remove harmful smells and organisms.

  7. Air temperature.
  8. If you want normal parrots to provide normal care and maintenance, then keep the room at a temperature of 22-25º. Experiments here lead to disastrous consequences. For additional heating, buy red or blue lamps, but then you will need to equip a corner where the birds can hide if desired in the shade. The heat for them is also harmful, in summer there should always be a drinker with fresh water in the cage. It should be remembered that the worst of these pets suffer drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

  9. Feed .

The best food for these birds is a mixture of cereals, where millet is 70%, up to 10% there is oats, the remaining 20% ​​is flax, hemp, canary seed, wheat and other additives. Sunflower and nuts are best not to give them, they have a lot of fat. Homemade budgies well consume ready-made feed, and care for them is not difficult. Just make sure that the packaging is sealed, and the products themselves are fresh and free of mold.