Jaco parrots

Parrots are a native of Central Africa. In their homeland are considered the most talkative of all kinds. The most unique ability of these birds is that they can imitate not only words, but also the voice of a person. In addition to speech, these birds can perfectly repeat different sounds, it can be the sound of a falling drop of water or whatever.

Parrots have a very developed intellect, therefore they require constant communication and development. If the bird is constantly in a cage and is deprived of communication, over time, it develops behavioral problems. The parrot starts to pinch itself or otherwise damage the plumage.

If you want to buy a healthy bird and be sure that it does not get sick, buy it in a checked place. The bird from the nursery will always be ringed with a removable ring. On this ring you can read the date of birth of the chick, the name of the country where the nursery was located.

Nestlings from the nursery are always tame. The chicks always have a black frame on the red tail feathers, the iris of the eye is dark gray.

Keep in mind that not all people know how to talk. If you buy a bird only for this purpose, you risk leaving the parrot without due attention. You acquire not just a pet, but a full member of the family. A parrot needs attention not less than a small child.

Parrot: Care

The content of the parrot will greedily demand from you not only the creation of comfortable conditions, but also the relationship, as a full member of the family.

The most important and scrupulous moment in the care of a parrot is the right pruning of wings. Incorrectly clipped wings must necessarily be shown to the vet.

A talking parrot requires a very spacious cage with a large number of different climbing rods. Be sure to buy many different toys for your pet. Periodically change them, then the bird does not get bored.

Power parrot is hot. In its natural habitat, the bird eats nuts and fruits. To keep in captivity, mixtures from seeds will suit, it is necessary to offer vegetables and fruits to the bird. A frequent problem is the lack of calcium in the body. To solve it, you can rub the egg shell and mix it with soft food. This is quite enough to make up for the lack of calcium in the body. Try not to overfeed the poultry with foods high in vitamin C. This can provoke an elevated level of iron in the body.

How to tame a parrot?

After you bring the bird into the house, give it a couple of days to get used to the situation. The first thing you need to do is to wean the bird from screaming. Most likely, the bird will start screaming as soon as you begin to approach the cage. It is not worth retreat, because you will let know that when you scream you will immediately leave the room, the parrot will begin to practice this behavior all the time. Just stop and stand until the bird goes from crying to a quiet roar. Gradually approach the cage, this will make the parrot understand that he will not get rid of you. When you come close to the cage, put your hands on it, but only on the sides. You can not put your hands on top.

After you put your hands on the cage, the parrot will start screaming again. The scheme of action is similar: stand on your own until the bird subsides. This method is absolutely the same for all Jaco. One bird is enough for a day, some get used to a couple of days.

In general, training is very similar to the training of all parrots. The most important thing is to let the bird know that the owner is not in the house.

How many live parrots are hot?

Parrot can be classified as a lover to long-livers - he can spend all his life with you. How many parrots live in captivity? With proper care, they can live up to 70 years, but most often the average life span is 50 years.