Temperature in ARVI

Since childhood, we all know perfectly well that the temperature in ARVI or ARI is quite normal. And nevertheless, we try to bring it down as soon as we see that the thermometer shows a mark above the cherished 36.6.

What is the temperature for ARVI?

In fact, fever is a sign that the body is fighting infection. This is a kind of protective reaction, due to which the pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply much more slowly. And some of them even die. As a result, the disease safely recedes.

In addition, the temperature in ARVI can be regarded as a signal for the immune system. She "understands" that the body goes on the offensive. The activity of leukocytes significantly increases. The latter become more aggressive and absorb significantly more harmful bacteria.

Experts argue that even high temperature (reaching 37.5-38 degrees) with ORVI should not be knocked down. This can disrupt the activity of immunity and weaken the natural defense of the body.

When do I need to bring down the temperature?

First of all, you need to monitor the patient's well-being. If the fever is tolerated by the patient normally, it is advisable to tolerate. If the temperature is accompanied by weakness, increased fatigue, dizziness or headaches , it is better to take action, without waiting for the heat to subside. And even in this case, if possible, it is recommended to give preference to natural, rather than medicinal, therapies.

Critical for adults is the situation when the body temperature in ARVI rises above 39.5 degrees. Because of this, the gradual destruction of the nervous system can begin - the normal spatial structure of vital proteins changes.

How long does the temperature last for colds?

Usually, on the second or third day in the acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections, the temperature begins to decrease. With the flu, this period can be somewhat large and last up to five days. Accordingly, if in ARVI on the fifth day there was a strong cough, and the temperature does not go to a decline or rises, it is necessary to undergo a second diagnosis. It is likely that this is a signal that a more complex bacterial infection has joined the common infection. It will be almost impossible to fight such a problem without the help of antibiotics. Moreover, you should start taking them as soon as possible.