The smallest breeds of dogs

Whatever the smallest breeds of dogs that we meet, they all remain true pets for their owners. And this is not surprising, because even the smallest breed has all the signs of a big dog, has canine instincts, devotion and character, but more often requires less attention and care.

The most popular breeds of small dogs, such as toy breeds or terriers, are ideal for living in an apartment. In some cases, these animals are taught to walk on the tray, and in winter the smallest representatives do not even walk around so as not to catch a cold. A small dog will not require you to walk for hours or kilograms of food, but he will love you no less than his big brother.

The smallest breeds of dogs are divided into 3 groups:

As a rule, the weight of small dogs does not exceed 9-11 kg, and growth is 15-30 cm. There are literally "pocket" dogs, which by their size will fit into a purse. But with the transportation of such pets there are no problems, and they can accompany the master even on vacation.

Toy rocks

What are the smallest breeds of dogs that occur most often? These include:

So which kind of dog is the smallest? In fact, in each of the above breeds there were the smallest representatives. For example, the Chihuahua from Puerto Rico weighed only 198 grams and did not reach a height of 10 cm. In general, this breed is known for its active, though capricious nature. Chihuahua has a developed sense of self and is devoted only to the master.

Some individuals of Brussels Griffon weigh no more than 2.5 kg and resemble, more likely, a cat. All representatives of this breed are active, playful and fond of fooling.

Pomeranian spitz does not grow more than 22 cm and 3.5 kilograms of weight, half of which is voluminous fluffy wool. These dogs have a well-defined instinct to protect their territory, do not like strangers. Spitz very often choose single and elderly people due to their attractive active character and guarding instinct.

Russian toy terrier with a charming muzzle weighs a record 2-2.5 kg, but, despite its small size, this breed has all the habits of large dogs. The Russian loves walks, even short, fun active games and people's attention. For this dog there is nothing more pleasant than settling in the evening on the knees of the owner and a sweet nap.

Little Terriers

Among the small terriers there are rocks:

The smallest breed of dogs is called such because of its small height and weight. So small terriers in height grow to 25-28 cm, and their weight does not exceed 6-9 kg. Nevertheless, these breeds are considered very friendly and intelligent, faithful friends for their masters.

The smartest breeds of small dogs

The most intelligent representatives of small dogs include a poodle, a Papillon, a Pomeranian Spitz and a Brussels Griffon. However, the belief that other small dogs are deprived of intelligence is absolutely wrong. Regardless of the size, any dog ​​can become naughty and defiant, or interested, intelligent and fulfilling your commands. The whole secret is in the correct and planned upbringing of the owner.