
Summer, probably, everyone associates with the sea, heat and, of course, the sun. Since childhood, we are taught that sunbathing harms the body. Of course, it's impossible to dispute this fact - too large doses of ultraviolet can really do much harm. But in moderate amounts, the sun not only does not harm, but it can also be of invaluable benefit to the body!

The benefits of sunbathing

In fact, there are a lot of useful properties for solar rays:

  1. Under the influence of the sun, many pathogenic viruses and bacteria are destroyed. In addition, after a properly conducted course of solar procedures, a person develops immunity .
  2. A smooth and moderate tan is also useful. Under the pigment layer, the internal energy accumulates in the body, which helps to resist various diseases.
  3. Sunbaths are the main source of extremely useful vitamin D, which is responsible for most metabolic processes and takes part in the formation of healthy bone tissue.
  4. The sun contributes to the production of serotonin, the so-called hormone of joy .
  5. Even after a brief stay in the sun, a kind of enlightenment occurs in the person - the brain starts to work more actively, the working capacity increases significantly, the memory improves.
  6. Experts also note that taking sun baths helps to lose weight. Under the influence of sunlight, the gastrointestinal tract begins to function normally, respectively, while fats are degraded faster than usual and proteins are digested.

How and when is it best to take a sun bath?

Scientists have conducted many experiments, studying how the sun affects the body, and how to get the most out of contact with it. So, one of the experiments showed that people, in the morning hours (at 8.00 to 12.00), the body mass index is significantly lower than those who did not deny themselves the pleasure to soak up the sun at any time of the day. True, these data are relevant for the summer. In the autumn and spring, the sun is less active and aggressive, so it's safe to sunbathe even at lunch.

The very first procedure for sunbathing should last no longer than a quarter of an hour, after which you should spend a few minutes in the shade. Increase the duration of the procedures gradually - five minutes a day. Sunbathe alternately on your stomach, then on your back. It is advisable to cover your head during procedures.