Justin Timberlake: "The Son has changed a lot in my life"

The famous 35-year-old musician Justin Timberlake has long shown to everyone how he is a tender and caring father. But there is absolutely no time for the man to talk about this, because he is constantly busy with work. Nevertheless, Justin, finding in his creative schedule a free minute, shared with the fans what the word "paternity" means for him.

To look after Silas is happiness

A year and a half ago Timberlake and his wife Jessica Biel had a first-born. The boy was called Silas, and since the birth of the child in the life of the Hollywood stars everything has changed. Justin describes the morning of every new day:

"Here I wake up, I look at myself in the mirror and I understand that in comparison with my son, I am absolutely imperfect. Silas forces me to comprehend everything new and new, something that never occurred to me before. The experience of being a father is an important part of my life. I am very glad that I have time to take care of our Silas. This is the time that I will have in my memory forever. "
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Silas helps me to create

However, not only from his father's experience, 35-year-old Justin is delighted, in an interview he confessed that thanks to his son in his album there was a new hit. Here is what Timberlake says about this:

"My son has changed a lot in my life, not only in everyday life, in our daily routine, but also in creativity. It was thanks to Silas that I managed to write the song Can not Stop the Feeling, which for a long time did not leave the first lines of the charts. When he was born, I immediately realized that I had to write something special for him. For us and Jessica it is very important that our baby grows up, listening to positive and high-quality music. "

And it is not just words. Just recently, Justin admitted that all the cartoons, programs and music that Silas watches, they discuss with Jessica. Apparently, the song of Timberlake Can not Stop the Feeling control from his wife has passed.