Kara Delevin and other stars are hiding from paparazzi

Stars do not always want to be recognized and get into the lenses of photographers. Sometimes they have to figure out how to hide from importunate journalists.

Recently, we told how resourceful Naomi Campbell, while shopping in New York, hid under a poncho, now she decided to play hide-and-seek with the paparazzi Kara Delevin.

Under the blue hat

A famous British model was seen yesterday at the airport in Los Angeles. Despite the beautiful appearance, the girl did not want to be photographed.

On her head Kara wore a huge blue hat. She took off her bright hat and hid her face under it.

At that moment Delevin rang the mobile. Apparently, the call was important. He forced the supermodel to get out of hiding, what immediately took advantage of the paparazzi.

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The conspiracy of the stars

It's worth noting, Delevin's hat and poncho Campbell are not the most unusual things that use celebrities to defend themselves from the press.

Leonardo DiCaprio, having wanted to eat pizza in the open air, hid his face under a plastic mask. Previously, the actor hid under an umbrella.

Alec Baldwin decided to play the role of a ghost and hid under a terry sheet, and Jared Leto, using his plaid shirt, became a real Bedouin, living in the desert.

Shia Labaf, noticing the store that he was being watched by journalists, asked the cashier for a pair of scissors and took a paper bag and made two holes. Then the actor wore an uncomplicated design on his head and went home.

Orlando Bloom likes to drive a motorcycle and often hides under a helmet.