Frequent urination without pain

Not always frequent urination in women is associated with cystitis - often it is caused by other causes.

Frequent painless urination - causes

Painless painful urination in women indicates the absence of acute inflammation, but frequent urination is not always a sign of illness.

  1. For example, under stress, nervousness can also increase the urge, with the amount of urine usually small, and after a while the symptom passes without treatment, if you can relax and distract.
  2. Also, frequent urination occurs reflexively, for example, if a woman's legs have frozen or as a result of general hypothermia. Frequent urination rarely occurs before menstruation - during this period there is a delay of fluid in the body, but with the onset of menstrual periods, urination may increase for several days to remove excess fluid from the body.
  3. Also, frequent urination is possible due to the use of acute, acidic, spicy dishes that irritate the bladder. Improper nutrition can lead to disruption of salt metabolism and the release of a large number of crystals of salts (phosphates, urates or oxalates), which also strongly irritate the bladder, causing frequent urge and rapid urination.
  4. Rapid urination can occur after taking substances that have diuretic properties.

At what diseases is frequent painless urination?

Frequent urination can also be a sign of illness. If it occurs in women at night, accompanied by drinking during the day a lot of fluid - this is a possible sign of inflammatory kidney disease, whose work improves in the warmth in the recumbent position, as well as diabetes mellitus.

Frequent urination with a delay in menstrual periods is a likely sign of pregnancy. Very frequent urination during pregnancy in the early stages is associated with the restructuring of the body and the violation of water-salt metabolism. And in later terms, the frequency of urination is associated with the pressure of the enlarged uterus with the fetus on the bladder and the possible disruption of the kidneys due to periodic compression of the ureters.

Sometimes the frequency of urination may increase with a decrease in the volume of the bladder due to various causes (after a chronic inflammation of the bladder , after surgery on the bladder, because of the presence of stones or tumors that reduce its volume, when squeezing it from the outside with tumors, fibromiomas the uterus).