Test Ruth in children

To ensure better control over changes in the health of schoolchildren since 2010, all children are sure to undergo an annual Rufieus test (definition of a health group) and visit specialists who are registered.

What is Ruth's test?

Many parents do not know what it is - the test of Rufieu and what its norms are in children and teenagers.

The test of Rufieu determines the level of endurance (reserve) of the cardiovascular system in children under any physical loads.

Carried out according to the scheme:

  1. Count the pulse in a child for fifteen seconds, always after a five-minute quiet sitting (result 1).
  2. For forty-five seconds, perform thirty squats.
  3. Immediately after the sit-ups, calculate the pulse in the first fifteen seconds (result 2).
  4. And then count the last fifteen seconds (result 3) of the first minute of the rest period.
  5. The index of Ruthier's test is determined by the formula:

(4 * (p1 + p2 + p3) -200): 10

According to the index obtained after the passage of Ruthier's test, the following health groups were identified for children:

  1. The main group are absolutely healthy children, no health problems are found, the Rouffier test score is from 0 to 10. They are engaged in a general program, participate in crosses and competitions.
  2. The preparatory group are children, with a slight deviation in health status, the Ruthier test is slightly higher than the norm for the main group. They are also engaged in the main program, but without participation in cross-country and sports competitions.
  3. The special group is children with significant disabilities in health status, the Ruthier test score is from 10 to 20. They should be engaged in separate classes or the teacher must select individual exercise loads for them.

Sometimes it happens that the parents do not agree with the results of Ruthier's test, then the health group is determined for a certain period (a month or two), and then the sample is retaken.