Diabetic polyneuropathy

As with long-term diabetes mellitus type 1 and 2, and in its early stages, many patients begin to suffer from nerve fibers due to their oxygen starvation (hypoxia). Usually this leads to an absolute loss of sensitivity and development of ulcerous erosion of the feet.

Diabetic polyneuropathy - symptoms

The signs of the disease vary depending on the type of diabetes mellitus and its duration. In addition, the symptomatology directly depends on the form of the disease in question. The classification used is the most common in Russian medicine:

The first type of syndrome is weak. In humans, there are practically no complaints, so it is possible to diagnose the disease only after carrying out tests for sensitivity, conduction of nerve fibers, as well as checking the heart rhythm, knee reflexes.

At the clinical stage, there are such symptoms:

The most common type of disease at this stage is diabetic sensory polyneuropathy or the sensorimotor form of the neuropathic syndrome. It develops slowly, about 5-6 years after the onset of diabetes. In the beginning, only subclinical signs appear, but over time the disease progresses, leading to damage to the peripheral nerves of the trunk and, as a consequence, disability.

Diabetic polyneuropathy - treatment

Priority in the treatment of this disease is the normalization of the concentration of glucose in the blood. An integrated treatment regimen also includes:

In some cases, a course of antibiotics may be required, especially if there is a development of gangrene.

Diabetic polyneuropathy - treatment with folk remedies

Infusion to reduce the severity of pain:

  1. In equal proportions mix the crushed dried flowers of red clover , garlic powder, sage, fenugreek, klopogon, yellow-root and bark cassia.
  2. 30 grams of raw material to brew in half a liter of boiling water (preferably in a glass container or thermos).
  3. Insist for 2 hours.
  4. Drink 300 ml per day for 3 sets.
  5. The course of therapy is 20 days.


  1. Grind the root of Eleutherococcus, boil 15 g of powder in 300 ml of water (boil 20 minutes).
  2. Leave on for 15 minutes for infusion.
  3. In a warm solution, pour 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 10 g of honey.
  4. Drink the broth as a tea during the day in small portions.

In addition, warm baths for feet with the addition of medicinal plants are very effective: Leonurus, leaves of Jerusalem artichoke, oregano, sage , chamomile.