Kidney ultrasound in pregnancy

During pregnancy, many chronic diseases worsen, as well as diseases that occur in a latent form. The most common concern for expectant mothers and their observant kidney physicians. In order to identify problems with the kidneys and correctly diagnose the disease, pregnant women are prescribed ultrasound.

When do you design kidney ultrasound in pregnancy?

During pregnancy the organism of the future mother works for two, especially it concerns the urinary system. The closer the birth, the more intensive this work. In addition, the growing fetus has an increasing pressure on the bladder and kidneys, disrupting urination. All this against a background of hormonal adjustment and low immunity can lead to serious kidney disease in a pregnant woman, as well as miscarriage or a stiff pregnancy.

Kidney diseases in pregnant women are especially dangerous, since in most cases they are asymptomatic. Kidney ultrasound during pregnancy can correctly diagnose diseases such as pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, as well as the development of neoplasms and tumors in the kidneys.

Usually, doctors prescribe kidney ultrasound in pregnancy if:

Kidney ultrasound in pregnancy - preparation

Like any ultrasound of internal organs during pregnancy, the study of the kidneys is absolutely harmless and does not cause discomfort. There are several rules for preparing ultrasound for kidneys in pregnant women:

  1. With a tendency to flatulence (bloating) three days before ultrasound, start taking activated charcoal (1 tablet 3 times a day).
  2. Three days before the study, exclude from the diet carbonated drinks, black bread, legumes, dairy products, cabbage.
  3. For a few hours before ultrasound, drink 2-4 cups of still water to fill the bladder. If you suddenly want to go to the toilet, go, but after that, definitely drink another glass of water.